There's No Buddy Like a Baby Brother

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AN: Ok, so I've only ever been in a hospital to see my dad because of his heart thing, so I don't know what goes on during a birth. I tried my best from what I've read in fics. Also, Lee's room is where the wax figures would later be. Ella and Marcella's room is still Ford's old room.

"Daddy, can we see him yet?"

"Not yet, pumpkin," Stan said, taking Ella's hand and pulling her back from the door. "He's not here yet. Just wait."

"Aw, I don' wanna wait!" Ella whined.

"Sorry," Stan shook his head. "Why don't you go play with your sister?"

"No!" Marcella whined, holding the waiting room's dolls to her chest. "She always attacks the fam'lies!"

"That's cuz dolls are borin'," Ella stuck her tongue out.

"Alright, how about," Stan dug through the backpack and pulled out a dinosaur toy, "your dinosaurs? You like those."

"Yeah!" Ella cheered. "Daddy, will ya play with me?"

"Hehe, alright," Stan chuckled, moving to sit on the floor.

"Rawr!" Ella yelled, taking a t-rex and making it attack the dinosaur Stan had grabbed.

"Oh no!" Stan laughed, making the dinosaur run away. They played for awhile until the doctor showed up.

"You girls ready to meet your brother?" Stan asked, cleaning up the toys.

"Yeah!" They both exclaimed, bouncing excitedly.

"Alright, but you need to be quiet," Stan shushed, taking their hands and leading them down the hall. Once they reached the delivery room, the doctor opened the door to reveal Bella laying in the bed holding the baby, wrapped in a blanket.

"Hey babe," Stan smiled, walking over with the girls.

"Hi," Bella grinned. "Hey girls."

"Mommy, is that our bro'der?" Ella asked, trying to see over the edge of the bed.

"Yup. He's sleepin' right now, so ya gotta be quiet," Bella explained quietly. Stan lifted Ella up and sat her on the bed before picking Marcella up and holding her so she could see.

"Hi Lee," Ella whispered, waving at the baby. "I'm yer big sister."

"An' so am I!" Marcella added quietly, waving from Stan's arms.

"Stan, do ya wanna hold him?" Bella offered.

"Yeah, of course," Stan nodded. He set Marcella beside her sister and slowly took Lee from Bella. He sat down in the chair next to the hospital bed, staring at the small boy. Ella and Marcella crawled off the bed and huddled around Stan, resting their hands on his legs and looking at Lee.

"God damn it, not again," Stan chuckled, wiping tears from his eyes.

"Why're you sad, Daddy?" Marcella asked, climbing onto Stan's lap and reaching up to wipe off the tears as well.

"Hehe, they're happy tears, princess," Stan assured, wrapping an arm around the girl.

"Oh, ok," Marcella said, looking at her brother and smiling. "Hi, Lee."


"And... done!"

Stan smiled proudly at the igloo. It was too small for him, but just the right size for a pair of four-year-olds.

"Wow, cool!" Marcella exclaimed, dropping to her hands and knees to crawl through the entrance.

"Neato!" Ella agreed, following her twin inside.

"How is it in there?" Stan asked, peaking through the hole in the top.

"Awesome!" Ella answered happily.

"Yeah, it's awesome!" Marcella repeated with a smile. She fell backwards into the snow, moving her limbs to create a snow angel. Ella crawled back outside, filling her mitten-covered hands with snow and throwing it at Stan's legs.

"Hey!" Stan glared playfully at the girl, who giggled and ran off the best she could in the deep snow. Stan chased after her, scooping her up and zerberting her cheek. Ella shrieked and giggled, struggling to escape her dad's hold.

"Le' go!" Ella managed to say through her laughs.

"'Let go'?" Stan repeated, grinning. "Alright. I'll let go."

"Nooo!" Ella shrieked gleefully as Stan tossed her into a deep pile of snow. She popped out of the pile, giggling. "Again, again!"

"Ella, Marcella!" Bella called from the porch. "Lunch time!"

The twins cheered and ran inside, soon followed by Stan.

"Lee asleep?" He asked, leaning down to kiss her forehead.

"We'll see how long it lasts," Bella joked. "Brr, it's freezin' out here!"

"It's not that cold," Stan shrugged. The two of them walked to the kitchen, where Ella and Marcella were already sitting at the table.

"Do you two want hot chocolate?" Bella asked.

"Yeah!" Ella cheered.

"Yes please!" Marcella smiled. Bella filled two plastic cups halfway with hot chocolate and set them in front of the twins with bendy straws. They were soon joined by two bowls of mac and cheese, which the sisters quickly began eating.

"Did ya have fun playin' outsa- outside, girls?" Bella asked, sitting down with her own bowl of mac and cheese.

"Uh-huh," Ella nodded. "Daddy made an igloo!"

"It was super cool," Marcella added.

"That does soun' pretty awesome," Bella smiled.

"Can we go back outside after lunch?" Ella asked hopefully.

"No, sorry sweetie," Bella shook her head. "I don' want y'all outside f- fer too long."

"Bella, I keep telling ya, it's not that cold," Stan said.

"Ah know, it's just... it's the paranoia," Bella sighed. "Maybe later, ok?"

"Aww," Ella pouted.


"Kah! Kah!"

Tiny yeowled and jumped away from the grabby ten-month-old baby, sitting in the middle of the floor and licking her tail.

"Lee! Ya got ta be gentle," Marcella said, walking over to the cat and slowly petting her fur. "See? Gentle!"

"Rawr!" Ella yelled as she jumped over, holding a blanket on top of Tiny. The cat meowed in distress and tried to escape, but the younger twin held her down.

"Ella, leave the cat alone!" Bella scolded from the table. She was typing up pages for her story using a typewriter. Ella pouted and lifted the blanket off of Tiny, who immediately ran out of the room.

"Woah!" Stan yelled out as Tiny ran under his foot. "Cat's gone crazy again."

Lee laughed and shook the small stuffed giraffe in his hand. Stan walked over and sat down on the couch, opening a soda and taking a drink.

"So, you kids excited for your first day of school tomorrow?" He asked the twins.

"Uh-huh!" Ella nodded. "I can't wait!"

Marcella shrugged, remaining silent as she played with her younger brother.

"Hey princess, you ok?" Stan asked. "You're kinda quiet."

"I dunno," Marcella answered. "What if no one likes me?"

"What? You?" Stan scoffed. "You kiddin'? Everyone's gonna love ya."

"Ya think so?" Marcella smiled.

"A'course," Bella spoke up. "Yer friendly, smart, an' cute. You'll be just fine, sweetie."

"Thanks, Mommy," Marcella's smiled widened.

"An' if they don' like you, hey, you're always stuck with me!" Ella added, surprise-hugging her sister from behind. Marcella giggled and hugged her back.

"Thanks, Ella."

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