Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow

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AN: Can you tell that I'm actually putting effort into the chapter titles?

Idk how to do sad scenes without them becoming extremely cliche. Also, Stan married a woman that I'm assuming he barely knew. I don't think it's that much of a stretch for him to invite a woman he's known for two months to go with him when he leaves.

"Stan? Stan!"

"Shit," Stan groaned, looking up from tossing the duffel bag in the trunk of his car. He was hoping he'd be able to leave without seeing her. That would make it easier, not having to go through one of those 'painful goodbyes' like in the movies or whatever.

"Stan? Hey!" Bella approached him and frowned slightly, her head tilted in confusion. "Where ya goin'?"

"I..." Stan sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Listen, I can't stay in California anymore. These guys that I don't exactly have a good history with caught up with me, a-and I need to get out of here."

"...oh," Bella responded quietly. "But... y-you can' just... leave."

"I'm sorry. I don't want to, but I don't exactly have a choice," Stan said.

"Does that mean... I won' be able ta see you again?" Bella asked.

"Probably," Stan mumbled. Bella took a deep breath and walked over until she was standing in front of him.

"I'm sorry, but if yer gonna leave... and I can never see you again... I can' let ya go without, doing this," Bella said. She took another deep breath and leaned up to kiss Stan. He was surprised at first, but quickly deepened the kiss and wrapped his arms around the smaller woman. Bella let out a sob and they pulled apart.

"I-I should go," she mumbled, wiping off her face and moving to walk off. Stan grabbed her wrist, making her turn back to face him.

"Come with me."

"...what?" Bella's eyes widened in shock.

"Ok yeah, it's crazy, but I like you, and you obviously like me," Stan began nervously, "but I can't stay, so... do you wanna come with me?"

"Well... Ah have always wanted ta travel," Bella grinned. "And it's not like Ah can'' do whatever I'm doin' here while Ah'm on the road! Heh, alright!"

Stan beamed and pulled the other into a hug. Bella giggled and tightly hugged him back.

"How much time do we have, though?" Bella asked. "Before we have to... get out of the state?"

"Uh, I dunno, quickly?" Stan guessed.

"Could we stop by my house first?" Bella asked. "Because there's some thin's Ah, need ta get that I can' really, live without."

"Uh, I think we have enough time," Stan nodded. "We gotta hurry, though."

"Ah can do that," Bella grinned. The two of them got into Stan's car and he drove over to Bella's house.

"You have a garage, right?" Stan asked, his eyes constantly darting to the mirror.

"Yeah," Bella nodded.

"Could I park my car in it?" Stan asked. "Y'know, just in case."

"Sure, my car's in the driveway anyways," Bella allowed. They reached Bella's house and Stan parked in the garage, the door closing behind them. "Mind helpin' me carryin' some stuff?"

"Sure, no problem," Stan nodded getting out of the car and following Bella inside. Bella looked around the house, mumbling to herself.

"Ok, so... limited space. What do I absolutely need to bring? My blankets, a couple books... pillow, yeah, maybe two or three stuffed animals. Clothes, duh."

She grabbed all of her blankets and her pillow from her room and handed them to Stan.

"Here, put these in the car," she instructed. Stan did so and returned to see Bella sitting in front of a small bookshelf with three small stuffed animals. "Which ones haven't Ah read? Hehe, oh Bella. Ya know the answer to that is 'a ton'. Or 'a lot of them'. Ever heard of Shel Silverstein?"

It took Stan a moment to realize that she was talking to him.

"Oh. Uh, no?"

"He's  awesome," Bella smiled. She pulled out a black book with silver cursive writing on the front. "Ah have his Where the Sidewalk Ends book. I'll read it to ya."

"Alright," Stan shrugged. "I've never really read books for fun before, though."

"Oh that's gonna change," Bella chuckled. "Books are amazing."

"Yeesh, you're just like my- my friend," Stan rolled his eyes. "He used to love books too."

"'Used to'?" Bella questioned, standing up with an armful of books.

"Er, well- he probably still likes 'em, but I haven't talked to him in... a few years," Stan mumbled.

"Tsk, that sucks," Bella frowned. "Ah hate when that happens. Well, Ah think I'm jus' about ready ta go. Just gotta, grab some clothes an' pads an' I'm good. Oh, and my Grateful Dead records."

"Alright," Stan smiled. Bella hurried out and set the books and stuffed animals in the car. She came back in to get the last of what she needed and then they both got into the car. "...You're sure you really wanna go with me?"

"...Yeah. I am."

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