First Ever Day of School

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"Good mornin' you two," Bella smiled at the twins as they sat together at the table. She set two bowls of cereal in front of them and hugged them both tightly. "Ooh, my babies are goin' ta school! I can' believe it!"

"Mommy!" Marcella giggled and hugged Bella's arm. "We're not babies!"

"Well you'll always be my babies," Bella said, kissing each of their cheeks before letting go and letting them eat. Stan chuckled as he entered the room and sat Lee in his high chair. 

"Ngah!" Lee gurgled, waving at his sisters. "Ga! Ah-ya, Ma-ya!"

"Hi Lee," Ella waved back.

"Eat quickly girls, so we can get ya dressed fer school," Bella said.

"Ok," Marcella nodded, eating a spoonful of cereal. Tiny meowed and jumped up on the table. Ella giggled and reached out to pet her.

"Hey," Stan snapped his fingers and pointed at the floor. "Down. Off the table."

Tiny meowed again and did as he said, jumping into Bella's lap and laying down.


"No! I don' wanna wear a dress!" Ella protested.

"Ella, you have'ta look nice fer yer first day," Bella sighed. "What about a skirt at least?"

Ella looked thoughtful for a minute.

"Ok," she nodded. Bella smiled and picked out a white t-shirt with a black skirt. Ella dressed herself, with help from Bella to make sure it wasn't backwards.

"We ready to go?" Stan asked, entering the room with Lee in his arms.

"Daddy Daddy, lookit my dress!" Marcella exclaimed, twirling around and showing off her glittery-pink dress.

"It's very pretty," Stan smiled.

"I think we are ready," Bella nodded. "Girls, get yer backpacks on."

The twins quickly pulled their backpacks on and raced out to the car, where they settled into their booster seats. Stan strapped Lee into his car seat and him and Bella sat up front.

Soon the family arrived at the school. The twins jumped out of the car, excitedly clinging to each other's hands.

"Have a good first day!" Bella called. "Y'all have yer lunches?"

"Yep!" Marcella answered. "Bye bye Mommy, bye bye Daddy!"

"Bye bye!" Ella waved. Bella made the sign for 'I love you' in sign language. The girls returned the sign before hurrying inside.

They found their classroom and went inside, seeing the other kids sitting around and chatting. It was a smallish class, with less than twenty kids.

"So, whatcha wanna do?" Marcella asked.

"Mm... I dunno," Ella answered.

"Ok kiddies, everyone please find a seat!" The teacher announced, motioning to the round tables around the room. The kids yelled as they looked for seats next to their friends. Ella and Marcella sat down at the nearest table, setting their backpacks on the floor beside them.

"Hi!" Marcella waved at their tablemates. There was a boy with a pink shirt and green hat, a black girl with curly black hair, and a chubby boy with a pizza shirt. "I'm Marcella. This is my sister, Ella."

"Wow, you guys have matching names!" The girl grinned.

"Yep! We're twins!" Ella grinned back.

"Wow! That's cool!" The boy with the pink shirt said. "My name is Tyler."

"I'm Bobby," the other boy said.

"And I'm Lily!" The girl said.

"You wanna be our friends?" Marcella asked. The other kids nodded and agreed.


At lunch time, all the kids ran to grab their lunch boxes from their cubbies. Ella and Marcella sat with their new friends.

"What did you get, Bobby?" Tyler asked.

"Ew, broccoli!" Bobby made a face. "Ooh, but I got a sandwich!"

"Yummy!" Lily said.

"Mommy gave us cookies!" Marcella held up a baggie with a cookie in it. A Hershey kiss sat on top of it.

"Those look yummy!" Tyler smiled

"They're really yummy," Ella nodded happily. She opened the baggie and grabbed the cookie, biting into it. Marcella pulled out a baggie of strawberries and began eating them.


After school, Ella and Marcella waited outside on the playground with their friends until Bella and Stan arrived. The twins ran over to the fence gate when they saw their parents.

"Hi girls," Bella smiled, hugging them both. She and Stan led them to the car. "How was yer first day'a school?"

"It was fun!" Marcella grinned. "We made name tags! I used lots and lots of glitter on mine."

"Me too!" Ella agreed. "And we made friends!"

"Nice!" Bella said happily. Ella and Marcella crawled into their seats in the car and continued to recall their day on the ride home. They stopped at Lee's daycare and picked him up before arriving home.

When they stopped at the Mystery Shack, the twins happily ran inside and set their backpacks by the door. Well, Marcella set her backpack down; Ella tossed hers at the wall and hurried to their shared room. After a few seconds, Stan entered with Marcella behind him.

"Girls, come here," he said quietly, kneeling down. Ella and Marcella came over to him questioningly. "We," Stan paused, pulling a small black box out of his pocket and opening it to reveal a ring, "are going to ask your mommy to marry me."

"Oh my gosh!" The twins squealed, jumping around happily. "Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh!"

"Ssh!" Stan chuckled. "You can't spoil the surprise, ok?"

"Ok," Marcella nodded. She and Ella squealed and giggled quietly as they followed Stan into the living room. He sat them on the couch and told them to wait until Bella came in the room. After a minute she entered with Lee in her arms.

"Hey," she looked around at the people in the room. "What's goin' on?"

Stan stayed silent and, instead of answering, pulled out the box and kneeled down on one knee. Bella slapped a hand over her mouth, grinning and giggling. Stan grinned back, opening the box to reveal the ring inside.

"Stan, yer such a dork," Bella gave a small laugh, kneeling down in front of Stan and hugging him with Lee still in her arm. Stan laughed and hugged her back, the two of them squishing Lee between them. Ella and Marcella giggled and hurried over to join the hug.

"We already have a family. Figured I might as well make it official," Stan said.

"I love you," Bella smiled, happily kissing her fiance.

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