Two Families Becoming One

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AN: The photo above is Ella and Marcella's flower girl dresses in the first part. I was just gonna describe them, but this was too adorable not to share. 

Ella and Marcella giggled and laughed as they ran through the crowd of people, throwing flower pedals at each other from the baskets. They wore matching flower girl dresses: white with pink pedals at the bottom, with a pink flower ribbon around the middle. Marcella had a pink flower crown, while Ella's was white.

"Ok, I'm tired," Marcella stopped suddenly, causing Ella to run into her from behind. They both toppled to the ground, laughing. Ella got up first and helped her sister to her feet. They smoothed out their dresses and Marcella smoothed her hair.

"So what'cha wanna do now?" Ella asked. Marcella hummed in thought and looked around the wedding. It was at the Mystery Shack and in the surrounding wooded area. White and pink ribbons were strewn throughout the trees, and flowers were scattered everywhere. Several tables were placed in the clearing, where most of the adults sat and talked. The girls watched some of their cousins run around the space.

"Let's go on the swings!" Marcella grinned. The twins raced across the yard towards the swings Stan had hung from the tree branches. Just before they reached them though, Ella was scooped up from under the arms. She squeaked and wiggled in Bella's hold.

"Mommy!" She whined, but was smiling anyways. "Le'go!"

"What if Ah don' wanna?" Bella grinned. She was wearing a white t-shirt and a long, blue skirt that reached her flip-flop covered feet. It was the first time she had worn a skirt in years.

"I wanna go on the swings!" Ella protested, reaching for the swings.

"Maybe later, m'kay? Yer grandma wants ta see y'all," Bella said, setting the younger twin back on the ground.

"Is Grandma Daddy's mommy?" Marcella asked, spinning back and forth in her dress.

"Mm-hm!" Bella nodded, taking Ella and Marcella's hands in each of her own.

"How come we haven' met her before?" Ella asked.

"'Cause she lives all the way across the country," Bella answered. "An' don' repeat this, but me an' Daddy don't really like Grandpa."

"Why not?" Ella asked.

"Ah'll... explain later," Bella said. The three of them approached Stan's mom, who was sitting at a table with her husband.

"Oh! Are these my other little grandbabies?" Martha smiled, turning to face the twins. "Hello!"

"Hi!" Marcella grinned and waved. "I'm Marcella."

"An' I'm Ella!" Ella introduced. "Do you got any gifts?"

"Ella, that's rude," Bella scolded lightly. "Ah, if she ain't just like me at her age, though."

"Aw, it's ok," Martha chuckled. "It's a grandma's job to spoil her grandkids, isn't it? I wasn't sure what you girls liked, so I got..."

She pulled two king-sized candy bars out of her purse and handed one to each Ella and Marcella. Ella cheered happily and immediately ate the candy bar.

"Thank you!" Marcella smiled.

"Ella?" Bella prompted.

"Oh! Thank you!" Ella said through a mouthful of chocolate.

"Haha. You're welcome, sweeties," Martha chuckled. She looked up at Bella. "And you, honey, you look beautiful! I didn't get a chance to tell you before."

"Aw, thank ya!" Bella giggled, twirling her skirt a bit.

"So, you're the hippie my son had to marry," Filbrick said, his arms folded.

"Correction: I'm the bisexual autistic hippie your son wanted to marry," Bella smiled cockily. Filbrick growled slightly but didn't say anything.

"Mommy, can we go play on the swings now?" Ella asked, tugging on Bella's skirt.

"Sure thing, baby," Bella nodded. The sisters cheered and ran off towards the swings.


"Time for cake, everyone!"

"Cake!" Ella exclaimed, dropping the stick she was using to 'sword' fight with Marcella. "Let's go!"

Marcella chased after her twin, the two of them running through the crowd. There were exclamations as Ella shoved a few people aside in her hurry to get to the table. She and Marcella appeared beside the cake, bouncing excitedly.

"You knuckleheads ready for cake?" Stan smiled, setting Lee in his high chair.

"Yeah!" Ella and Marcella yelled together, climbing into their own seats.

"Can I get the first slice?" Ella raised a hand.

"No, I want it!" Marcella argued, raising her own hand.

"Well, usually the newlyweds get the first slices," Stan told them. "But you two can get the third and fourth slices."


"Cake!" Bella grinned, bouncing in place.

"Hehe. You ready to cut it?" Stan asked, holding up the knife. Bella nodded and placed her hand over Stan's, and together they cut the cake.


"This really is a beautiful wedding, Stanley."

"Heh. Thanks, Ma," Stan smiled and rubbed the back of his head.

"I just wish Stanford was here to see it," Martha sighed, looking around. "I just know he would love to be here."

"Yeah..." Stan's throat tightened. "I wish he was, too."

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