The Small Lumber Town in Roadkill Country, Oregon

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"Mommy! Fly! Fly!"

"Yeah, that's a fly," Bella rolled her eyes, swatting the bug away. "Shoo."

"Shoo!" Marcella repeated, waving her hand.

"Ha! Good job, Marcella," Bella laughed. Marcella turned to see Ella climbing on the back of the couch and gasped happily.

"Sis'ah!" She exclaimed, pointing.

"Yup, that's sister," Bella said, standing up and lifting Ella off the couch. The toddler whined. "And she shouldn' be climbin' on the couch. Er the back'a the couch."

Stan entered the apartment, mail in his hand. He was staring at a postcard in shock.

"Somethin' wrong, Stan?" Bella asked.

"Ford... wants me to visit," Stan said, handing Bella the postcard. Written on it was 'PLEASE COME! -FORD' in large letters.

"Seems important," Bella said. "Are you goin'?"

"Well I'd like to, but I don't wanna leave you to take care'a Ella and Marcella by yourself," Stan said.

"So let us come with you," Bella reasoned. "I'd like ta talk ta Fidds. He hasn' been answerin' lately, an' I'm, kinda worried."

"You think we could take the twins along?" Stan asked. "It's a long drive."

"Keep 'em distracted, I... think we could," Bella nodded.

"Alright," Stan agreed. He smiled, kneeling down and hugging the twins. "You kiddos wanna visit your Uncle Ford?"


Stan pushed the hotel door shut with his foot, carrying a sleeping Ella in his arms.

"Let's have them sleep on the couch," Bella whispered, holding Marcella, who was also asleep. The two of them laid the sisters down on the couch. They were already dressed in their pajamas, and had been asleep for hours. "Could ya go get my blankets, please? Ah'll stay in here with these two."

"Sure," Stan nodded and left the room. He soon returned with Bella's suitcase. He set it on the floor, pulling two smaller blankets out of the side pockets and wrapping the twins in them. Bella grabbed her own blankets and tossed them on the hotel bed. Her and Stan undressed and climbed into bed after turning off the lights.

"So why do ya think Ford... wants ya taaaa come up ta Gravity Falls?" Bella asked in a whisper.

"I have no idea," Stan murmured, wrapping an arm around his girlfriend. "Must be important, though, for him to want me to go all the way there. We haven't talked in ten years."

"Tha' alwa- that's always so sad to me," Bella frowned. "Maybe he wants ta make up."

"I hope so," Stan mumbled. "But somehow I doubt it."


"Come on, arm through the sleeve," Bella said, putting Marcella's arm through the sleeve of her coat.

"Ella," Stan sighed in annoyance as the younger twin refused to cooperate. "Come on, you gotta wear the coat. It's cold."

"No!" Ella yelled. Eventually Stan was able to get the coat on the struggling toddler. Once he picked her up and held her out in the snow, she became distracted by said snow and stopped fidgeting.

"Ya've got the bag?" Bella asked, pulling her hood up and holding Marcella.

"Yeah," Stan nodded, lifting the strap of the baby bag over his shoulder. The family approached the front door, and Stan seemed to hesitate before knocking.

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