And the Family Keeps on Growing

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AN: Ok, so Bella becomes pregnant with Lee when the twins are three, and gives birth when they're four. So when Bella and Stan are telling Ella and Marcella that the baby is a boy, the twins are four years, one month old.

Also, I'm a big goldfish fanatic, and used to have some of the more fancy breeds. I had a few fantails, an oranda, and two black moors. Most of the ones I had were comets and commons, though.

"Hey Staaan?"

"Yer doing the voice," Stan said as Bella wrapped her arms around his neck from behind. He was sitting at the table, working on a new attraction for the Mystery Shack. Ella and Marcella were napping, so it was just the two of them. "What do you want?"

"Can we get a kitten?" Bella asked. "Pleaaase?"

"A cat?" Stan raised an eyebrow. "Bella, we already have two toddlers."

"I know," Bella began slowly, "but I always had a cat when I was a kid- er, throughout my childhood. It feels bad not havin' a kitty."

"Well... we can afford one," Stan said thoughtfully. "Cats aren't that hard to take care of, are they?"

"Not really, no," Bella shook her head.

"...Alright. We can get a cat," Stan allowed. Bella squealed and hugged her boyfriend tightly.

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you!"


"Remember girls, we're lookin' fer a kitten," Bella said. The small family was at a local shelter, looking for a kitten to adopt. "A baby."

"Kitty!" Marcella exclaimed happily, running to a cage and looking inside. Stan stayed by the door to the room while Bella and the twins looked at the cats.

"Aw, what abou' a calico?" Bella suggested, waving a finger at a small calico kitten. The kitten mewed and rubbed up against the bars of the cage.

"B'ack!" Ella pointed at a black kitten that was eating from its food bowl.

"Aw, Ah've always loved black cats," Bella cooed, kneeling down in front of the cage. The black kitten ignored them and laid down to sleep. "Hm, doesn' seem too friendly, though."

"Fluffy!" Marcella giggled, petting a white cat through the bars of its cage. "Mommy, it's fluffy!"

"He does look fluffy, but we're lookin' fer a kitten, remember?" Bella reminded. "A tiny one."

"Tiny!" Marcella repeated and smiled.

"I'm really likin' the calico kitten," Bella said, lifting Marcella up. The toddler giggled, waving at all the cats in the top row of cages. "Stan, could ya find someone an' see if we can play with the calico kitten?"

"Alright," Stan nodded and left the room.

"Mommy, up!" Ella requested, tugging at Bella's sweatpants.

"Ella, Ah've already got yer sister," Bella said. "I ain't that strong."

"I wan' up!" Ella whined. Bella sighed.

"Alright, hold on," she said, setting Marcella down and picking Ella up instead. The older twin went around, looking at all the cats. Stan soon returned with an employee.

"Which cat did you want to look at?" The employee asked.

"This one," Bella pointed at the calico kitten. The kitten mewed as the employee unlocked the cage and set her on the floor.

"Kitty!" Ella cheered, wiggling in Bella's arms. Bella set her on the floor as well and Ella hurried over to pet the kitten.

"Be gentle, you two," Bella instructed, sitting cross-legged on the floor.

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