Another New Home

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Stan appeared in the doorway to the living room, holding the journal and Ford's glasses.

"Stan? What's wrong?" Bella asked, noticing his devastated look. "Where's Ford?"

"Daddy!" Marcella grinned, running over to Stan and clinging to his leg. "Lunch!"

"Hey princess," Stan mumbled, glancing over at Bella. "How about we get them some food? I'll explain what happened while they're eating."


The four of them were sitting in the kitchen. There were only two chairs at the table, so the twins sat on the floor while they ate lunch. Bella frowned, her arms folded and resting on the table.

"So, Ford's in... another dimension?" She asked slowly.

"That's what I got from all of his rambling, yeah," Stan confirmed. "Apparently these journals of his show how to turn it back on, but I've only got one of 'em."

He passed the first journal over to Bella, who began looking through it.

"Ford, what kind'a crazy bullshit...?" She murmured. "So, what're we gonna do?"

"What else can we do?" Stan said. "I've gotta stay here and try to get him back."

"Well then me an' the girls are stayin' too," Bella said. "But, what about the apartment?"

"We'll hire a moving van, bring all of our stuff up here," Stan began. "This is a way bigger house, too. We could use the space."

"I need my car, too," Bella added. "And I doubt the movers're gonna pack everythin' for us."

"Alright, hold on," Stan sat in thought for a moment. "We go back to the apartment, pack everything up, have a moving van bring it all up here, and we'll drive back in separate cars."

"That could work," Bella nodded. "But that's four more days in the car fer the twins. Why don' we, spend the night here, and head out in the mornin'? Let's give them a little break."

"Yeah, alright," Stan shrugged. He winced and held his right shoulder.

"Stan? You ok?" Bella asked.

"Yeah, I just... got a burn on my back-"

"Lemme see," Bella said, standing up to look at Stan's back. "Stan! This thing went through yer coat! And yer shirt!"

"It's not that bad, really," Stan insisted.

"'Not that bad' my ass!" Bella said. "Come on, at least let me clean it up a bit."

"Alright," Stan sighed.

"Now let's find the bathroom," Bella said, pulling Stan out of the room. "Ella, Marcella, don' get into trouble!"

"You say to two toddlers who aren't even two years old yet," Stan smiled.

"Shut yer mouth."


"Ok, now this might sting a lil' bit. Or it might not. I dunno, that's what people always say a'fore applying something to a burn. Or injury."

"Ow! Yeah, that stings!" Stan winced.

"Sorry!" Bella frowned. "Gotta do that... disinfecting shit. Yeesh, this is bad. I don' think this is a normal burn, Stan."

"Of course," Stan huffed and rolled his eyes.

"Daddy!" Marcella exclaimed from the doorway, clinging to her stuffed cat.

"Hey princess," Stan waved and smiled lightly.

"Wassat?" Marcella asked, walking over and pointing at the burn on Stan's back.

"Daddy just got an owwie," Stan explained, ruffling the girl's hair. "Don't worry, I'll be ok."

Marcella tried to crawl onto Stan's lap. He lifted her up, holding onto the girl. She kissed Stan's shoulder and hugged his arm.

"That be'er?" Marcella asked.

"Ha! Yup, all better," Stan grinned and hugged the older twin. "Thanks, kiddo."


"Well, I looked aroun', and there's... no bed in this house," Bella informed, entering the living room where Stan was reading to Ella and Marcella.

"There's not?" Stan asked in confusion.

"Book!" Ella yelled.

"No," Bella shook her head. "There's a couch, but that's it. An' if we want the twins ta sleep on it, then one'a us is gonna have to sleep on the floor."

"Daddy, book!" Marcella whined.

"Hold on, sweetie," Stan said. "I'll sleep on the floor."

"You sure?" Bella asked.

"Yeah," Stan nodded. "You can take the couch. I don't mind."

"Alright. Thanks, hon," Bella smiled. She sat down besides Stan. "So whatcha readin'?"

"One of those Dr. Seuss books," Stan answered.

"Ooh, I like Dr. Seuss!" Bella grinned, leaning on Stan's shoulder. He laughed and continued to read the book aloud to Ella, Bella, and Marcella.


Stan laid on his back and held Ford's glasses above him. He looked at them, seeing the moonlight from the window reflect off the lenses. He sighed, lowering his arm and resting his hand on the first journal. 

He sat up, figuring he wasn't going to get much sleep, and looked at Ella and Marcella at the other end of the couch. The girls were curled up next to each other in their pajamas, and even though Stan couldn't see through the dark that well, it looked like they were holding onto each other. He smiled sadly, but the grin slipped from his face when he looked back at Ford's glasses.

"You ok, Stan?" Bella murmured quietly.

"No," Stan sighed. "I'm not."

"T'aw," Bella frowned, reaching down and holding Stan's hand. "I'm sorry, sweetie. We'll figure it out, though. I know it."

"Heh. Thanks, babe," Stan smiled lightly, but there still wasn't any happiness in it.

"Come on, try ta get some sleep," Bella said quietly. "We have a whole day'a driving tomorrow."

"Right. Yeah."

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