Chapter 3 - "I Still Am"

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It didn't matter how many windows they had rolled down, Calvin's car smelled like shit.

From the knee down cal, pooch, coug, jake, and clay were soaked in human waste- and the plane ride they had just endured wasn't exactly short. However, here they were, the wheels of calvin's car meeting dirt for nearly the 10th time this trip. In the end though, this was home.

She had always refused to tell them where she lived, and it was for a good reason. This place was her safe house, her home, and now it was about to be compromised.

Montana was a beautiful land, property and electricity lines stretching to the middle of nowhere. The most important thing to her however, was the fact that she had no neighbors. For miles around there wasn't a house in site. No other cars, no traffic nothing of those sorts. Out here Calvin was truly alone, and in a lot of cases, it was comfortable.

"Where are we going Cal?" Pooch looked out the window. "I haven't seen a house for hours."

"That's the point." She grumbled.

After another solid twenty minutes, Calvin took a left onto a long twisting road. Surrounding it were trees, rocks, and rolling mountains. From above, Jake noticed that it would be able to be seen. From the ground, you would be heard if anyone ever tried to conduct a surprise attack.

The driveway seemed to be at a constant incline, each being forced back into their seats with a pleasant manner. At such a slow pace, the breeze felt nice but the setting sun was beginning to cool the area around them.

Finally though, eight minuted later, they finally saw it.

It was a brown wooden house, logs covering the outside in an old fashion. Each piece was stained dark from the wear over the years, but that didn't make the home any less beautiful. Tall glass windows claimed their stake towards the uprising if the house, a long ramped stair case ascending from the gravel floored garage up to the opening door.

This didn't seem like a safe house, instead it looked like a rich persons cabin.

As soon As the engine was off, Calvin opened the door and stood waiting for the others to join. "Alright." She nodded. "Follow me."

Without question, the losers did as she said. Inside of the garage was organized, but there were tools scattered on the benches around. The guys noticed this, but there wasn't a car in the area to match this.

Her feet glided through the small walkway and towards the door. For a moment she paused, her eyes looking back towards the losers before sighing. "Dont... move." It was almost a humerous warning.

As soon as the door open, they knew why.

Mustard had grown, his keen senses completely alert of their arrival.

As soon as calvin was close enough to the animal, it happily ran circles around her leg almost as If it was taking in every characteristic about her. There was no whining, no barking, the dog showed nothing but pure and utter happiness looking to his owner.

Once the greeting was over though, the hair on the back of Mustard's neck stood tall. Before anyone could say anything, out of training, The husky leaned his weight forwards and showed his teeth towards the men letting out a menacing growl.

All of the losers froze where they were, offense slightly taking over Jensen's face. "Dude, I freaking bought you!" The nerd extended his hands outwards. With nothing more than a smile, Calvin chuckled and turned back towards the now open door.

"Friends Mustard." And just with her words, her four legged companion was back on her side allowing the strangers to enter their home.

Jake immediately recognized the scent as Calvin. It was an outdoorsy smell, but soft, welcoming, nothing like her personality.

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