Chapter 22 - Going Home

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Steadying herself, Calvin waited for the commotion outside of the shipping crate to die down. Inside the compound, she knew the population of his security would diminish. He wouldn't be as guarded on the inside. Simmons was a man of offense, defense wasn't the part of the game that he focused on. That's why he tended to hire them, they worried about it all.

However, that didn't mean that it was going to be a walk in the park.

So, the first thing that she needed to do was put the recordings of his security footage that Jen had made into his frequency. Days of the same routine, the same men doing the same thing at the same time, it was enough to lapse over and over again in sync over what they were looking at now. To do that, she used his devices. Jen's equipment was always top notch, just like Kick's was.

Once she was sure it was working, Calvin slipped the device back into her waist band and worked her way out of the crate and towards the first section of cover that she could lay her eyes on. It was too quiet in here, to slow, she didn't like it. Calvin expected their to be guards and workers up her ass in this section of the yard. It was a shipment section, the most common of the common. However, it wasn't something that she could dwell on. There was a short window of opportunity that she had, and she couldn't let it slip.

So, the next destination on her to do list was the generator room. If Calvin could take out their backup generator, that meant that when the explosion hit, there would be nothing for them to resort to and her plan would be set in motion. Their coms would be out, their connections would be gone, and it would be her vs. them. No back up, no signals within the compound, and no opportunity for them to call for help. They would be in the dark just like she was. It was an even playing field then.

Striding across the shipment yard and to the first set of double doors, Calvin looked through the small crack opening between the two and listened to the footsteps approaching her position. It was only one man, and that's as something that she was sure she could handle. So, positioning herself, Calvin waited for the door the push open and as soon as it did- the woman pounced on him like he was her prey.

It only took five seconds before the man was unconscious and on the floor beside her. She swept his knees, exposed the temple on the side of his head and drove her elbow hard into it.

He dropped like a bag of rocks.

Quickly hiding his body, that's as when Calvin really began to move. She moved dangerously fast down the hallways, took out three men that she came across, then reached the cargo elevator at the end of the right wing. Here, not bothering to summon the elevator to avoid being seen, Calvin pride open the door and swung herself inside.

She held onto the wire, shimmied her way down, and counted each level as it passed.

To the basement, that's where she needed to be. Once there, once the power was out, she would have to work her way from the bottom all the way to the top. It would be the hardest objective she has been faced with on her own, but Simmons would know it was her. He would have an escape route planned, and she would need to get there before that's escape route was put into motion.

Everything was falling into place, because as soon as she reached the bottom level, she looked through the window and saw three guards pacing back and forth on their own. At the end of the hallways was right where she needed to be. The generator room was the home stretch. So, pulling out her silenced pistol, Calvin stealth-fully sucked down hiding herself from the view of one of the oncoming guards.

As soon as he passed, she slipped open the door just enough for her muzzle to peak through. Then, one by one, each man fell to the ground and she was stepping into the open. 

The walk across the hall was short, but it was just long enough for her to check the device that showed the coverage of the security footage. Everything was still going as planned.

Using the key card from one of the guards, Calvin was granted access into the generator room and stopped right where she was once inside. Around her, there were towers and towers of wiring and electronics that she just could identify. This wasn't her area of skills. It was kick and Jen were good for. She didn't have them anymore though.

This was just her.

So, she handled it the way that Calvin Jones typically handles things.

She took out one of her contained explosives, pinned them to each tower that she could see and then ducked down behind a metal desk in the corner of the room. At this point, she looked to her watch and let out a long breath. Once her nerves were calm, she pressed the timer button and her countdown began. 

14 minutes and 31 seconds before Simmons would be able to get from his penthouse and up to the bird waiting to get him out of here. That was her window, her opportunity, and she wasn't going to miss it.

So, Calvin started her timer and ducked down beneath the desk once more. As soon as she did so, she entered the small ground vent behind the desk and detonated the explosives she had planted. There was a strong blast of air and the heat from the flames roasted her back end as she crawled. But it was a satisfying feeling, especially when every ounce of lights and power died out within  the compound.

The first step was completed, she took out the generator and she was able to move on to step two.

Scale the vents and get to level four of the building. From there, she would use her night senses and climb through the building in search of Simmons.

That was her goal, and she planned on taking down any other asshole that happened to stand both behind him, or in the way of her getting to him.

She wanted to make sure each of his members got the opportunity to face what was coming to them.

If they begged for mercy, she would grant it. But not for him. Simmons would die by the grace of her hand, and she would make sure to look him in the eyes as she did it. He needed to see the pin and betrayal that he caused her. He needed to see the pain that they felt as their souls left their bodies.

Then maybe, just maybe she could be at peace.

But not until she was with her boys again.

Hopefully, it wouldn't be much longer before that happened. She was ready, she missed her family. She had been away for too long, and they were calling her home.

Calvin was ready to go home.

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