Chapter 8 - Useful

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The boat swayed violently, Calvin holding onto the metal piping above as Jake kept his death grip on the table before him. Their gear was strapped down, that was the main concern for both of them. 

In a weird type of way, this storm was a blessing. It allowed them perfect cover to dock and unload, however it lessened their chances of a safe arrival. Above them, the "fishing" crew worked tiredlessly to keep the boat afloat and in the right direction. Every now and again, they would call Calvin up for an extra hand. 

Jake would be of no use. He knew that right from the start. The guy could deal with the storm, but the depths of the water around them was a huge red flag in his eyes. 

"You never told me you were afraid of the ocean!" She called over the loud crashes of water. 

Her soaked blond hair fell over her shoulder as she looked to him. "Not just the ocean!" He shook his head. "Any deep water!" 

"Any particular reason, or mommy never teach you how to swim?!" 

"A little bit of both I guess!" He chuckled along with her. "Back when the guys and I first got together- We, we had an assignment over in Japan!" Calvin squinted her eyes as the water flooded over them. "The guys went in, and I stayed on screen in our safe house! It was a fishing boat, kinda like this one! Just a little nicer on the inside..." They both smiled at this. "Something went wrong, we were made! I jumped out before the chopper took it out, current took me out." He shook his head closing his eyes. "Spent four days on a piece of plywood. Bleeding out, sharks in the ocean! Promised myself I'd never go back!" 

Her posture softened a little bit. 

He came back, just to help her. 

Stepping down from the platform she was on, Calvin walked over to him and pushed him more backwards into the seat. This made him release his death grip and look at her in surprise. 

Without another word, she sat herself down onto his lap and let her legs dangle over the side. 

The ship rocked, the water soaked through some areas, and the rain slammed hard onto the deck above them. "I ain't much of a comforter." She started before holding onto the back of his neck. "but tell me this doesn't take your mind off it a little bit?" 

With a chuckle, he closed his eyes and allowed himself to hold onto her. "I don't know, why don't you start speaking spanish to me? That might work?" 

With a roll of the eyes and bite of her lip, Calvin shook her head. "sweet heart, this tongue is fluent in a whole lot more than just Spanish." 

"Calvin!" The captain called from above. "Engines out, we could use a hand!" 

She snapped her head at the call of her name, but lost her grip with the call of his request. "Sucks to be handy, doesn't it?" Jake somewhat growled in her ear. 

"Maybe for me." She taunted while rising to her feet. "But I've heard in some cases that it becomes quiet-" Before climbing the ladder to the upper deck, she sent him a smile. "Useful." 

Then, with a smile, she was out of his site and entering the harsh winds on her own. 

She didn't mind it though, she always like to leave Jen hanging. It her was her biggest fear though that one day he would have to find out, he would have to know she would have to leave him like that for good. 

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