Chapter 6 - We'll Get Him

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Pulling off the highway, Calvin bit her lip impatiently watching the road pass by. "So," Jensen managed to keep conversation with her this entire time. "Just where are we going?"

Of course she knew that Jen was going to come a long on this adventure, but that didn't mean that it made it any easier. The last thing she wanted was for him to get hurt, and this is exactly how that was going to happen.  "Jamaica." 

"Jamaica?!" He turned sharply yelling in her ear. 

Her reactions were trained enough that she didn't swerve, but that didn't stop Cal from covering her ear. "Kingston, Jamaica. That's where his summer home is." 

With a shake of the head, Jen was running his hand through his hair out of stress. "Can we like, make a pit stop?"

"Why?" She merged over into the faster lane. 

"Because I am not prepared for this at all!"

"What do you mean? What do you need?" 

Almost as if he thought she was stupid, Jen threw his hands in the air. "Sunscreen, a beach towel, swim suit, I mean- the necessities!" 

"This is not a vacation Jensen." 

"No." He agreed. "But it could be out honeymoon."

"I'm gonna kill you." 

"Oh please." he stretched his head backwards. "You would have done it already."

Chuckling, Calvin gripped the wheel tighter and took a long breath. This was going to be a long trip with him, that much she knew. However, she would be able to deal with it a lot better than when they had to be smuggled back home in a coffin. That was when she really had her first bonding experience with the nerd. He was sweaty, loud, and annoying all at once. In the end though, Jensen was Jensen. 

"Yeah, Yeah." She rolled her eyes. "Now do you want to hear the plan or not."

"Dont really need to." He shrugged.  

"We're meeting up with an alias In Oregon. He's got a jet, airfeild, and Pilot we can use. He'll ship us down, take us under the radar to a place he's got in Cuba."

"Cuba?" he was definitely surprised. 

"It's not exactly a commercial flight. People don't question a lot like we do in cuba, we can get in then I've got a ride set up to take us to jamaica. From there, that's a different story."

"Taking it step by step? Or do you just not have it planned out yet that far."

"Oh no, I've got it planned out. But, it depends on Simmons."

"What's this guy like, anyway? I mean I haven't even seen a picture of him."

Taking a minute to think for herself, Calvin reached over his lap and unclipped the glove compartment. Then, sitting back, she let him do the rest. 

Jen reached forward pulling out the black leather book that sat in the glove box. 

He could see her shift uncomfortably. This was something that was personal to her. She was always like this when she was uncomfortable. 

Opening the cover, the first picture was all that was needed to prove her point. "That, is Simmons." the venom on her lips seemed to drip with her words. 

The picture was old, crinkled in corners, but it still served its purpose. Calvin was in the middle, to her right Walker and to her left Kick. Outside each of them was the man that looked to be simmons, then Haze, and Sanchez on the ends. The guy looked sketchy to start with. Hands wrapped around the others, slender look in his eyes, and silver hair to match it all. 

Taking note of what he looked like, slowly his eyes drifted to her. She was actually smiling in this picture, surrounded by her two favorite people in the world. 

The pages kept on going though, so, cautiously, he looked to her before continuing on. She didn't stop him. 

Following the group picture, his eyes rested ont eh image of her. Shew as young, hair in a messy bun, loose sweatpants, and sportsbra clutching her sweaty body. Beside her, Walker had his arm wrapped over her shoulder and was giving a sideways charming grin. 

"That was a year after he found me." She didn't even pull her eyes away from the road. Calvin had that book memorized inside and out. 

She was young in the picture, that much he knew. however, she had the same details in her face that she had back then. Jen would be able to pick her out from a group no problem. 

The picture below it was again of Walker and Calvin, herself propped up onto his shoulders. 

Walker was like a father to her, and Jake never really understood the depths of it until just now. They were both so happy, why? Because they had each other. 

As he scrolled through the pages, year by year she seemed to gain more of the figure that she was today. Eventually, he was able to see the first picture she had with Kick. 

"Oh my god." He covered his mouth. 

Calvin shook her head laughing. "Kick was a site for soar eyes back then that's for sure." He had pimples all over his face, huge glasses to help him keep his ability on his computer. However, that didn't seem to stop her. 

The two were together for the next six pages, his constant fearful looks towards the fathering Walker. 

Eventually Sanchez and Haze took part in the images as well. For the rest of the book it was them growing up. BBQ's, missions, trainings, pictures of one another sleeping. They were like a family, the family that she never had. 

Towards the end though, he noticed something. Walker was no longer in them, and the look in her eyes, it didn't compare to what he had seen in the images before. They must have been after he died. All the boys smiled differently, but she seemed to be the worst. her arms hung heavier, her hair seemed flatter, and the spark behind her eyes dwindled out to a dull ember.  He had more of an effect on the soldier than anyone could have imagined. Walker was her world, the boys were her world, and they were all ripped away from her. 

None of them deserved an ending like that, Calvin didn't deserve for it to end like that. 

Getting to the last page of the book though, his heart fluttered from his chest. 

It was of them. Calvin, Pooch, Coug, Jake, and Clay. All five storming the soccer field. Calvin was pushing Jake back, Coug was covering his face in embarrassment, Clay and pooch were idling around like a couple of giggling little school girls. But it was them, it was the losers. 

Running his hand over the picture, he let out a breath and smiled. 

Then, closing the book, he bit his lip and nodded while stuffing it back into the glove box. 

"We're gonna get him." He assured her, his heart now aching seeing how much her life had change. "We'll get him." 

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