Chp. 3 - Angsty, Mom, and Mustaches

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Spacey People

Memelord: Hey does anyone have the notes from Mrs.June's class?

Angsty Red Lion: Which Day?

Angsty Red Lion: wait wtf

Angsty Red Lion: <--- Who did this?

Space Mom: Who did what?

Space Mom: AHHH!

Fluffy Mustache: Princess what's wrong

Fluffy Mustache: Ok who is 'Fluffy Mustache' and why are they saying everything I type?

Memelord: Coran you are Fluffy Mustache

Fluffy Mustache: Oh

Space Mom: Ok who change Keith and I's usernames

Fluffy Mustache: and mine!

Angsty Red Lion: and why can't I change it back?

Science Pidgeon: Okay, first of all, it's called a surname and hehe

Memelord: Damn Pidge how'd you lock controls

Science Pidgeon: Oh idk must have been an accident

Angsty Red Lion: some accident  😑

Memelord: Chill out Keef it's just a username

Science Pidgeon: SURNAME and Aw.

Memelord: 😑

Angsty Red Lion: I'm so killing both of you tomorrow

Spacedad: No ones killing anyone. Keith, it was just a prank chill.

Memelord: No Dad it's Keef

Spacedad: ?

Memelord: Nvm

Space Mom: So I can't change it back to Princess?

Spacedad: Don't worry you'll always be a princess

Science Pidgeon: AW.

[Memelord has went offline]

[Angsty Red Lion has went offline]

[Space Mom has went offline]

Spacedad: What have you've done Pidge

Science Pidgeon: Come on It was cute

Master Chef: Their right dad

[Spacedad has went offline]

Science Pidgeon: Finally someone who gets me.

Master Chef: Ok whatever see you at school Pidge

[Master Chef has went offline]

[Science Pidgeon has went offline] 

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