Chp. 20 - Camping Weekend

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A/N This is not the last chapter but this is ending soon. also, this has always been kind of an au.

Coran had just finished pinning his small one person tent when a light blue Honda van pulled onto the campsite. He smiled when he saw all six of them happily jump out of the van excited for the rest of the weekend. "Hey, guys" Coran said in his thick New Zealand accent. "Hey, what should we do first?" Lance questioned while grabbing his bag out of the trunk. "You should probably pitch your tents while there's still sunlight." Coran said and Hunk agreeing while throwing 4 tents on the ground. "I uh only have four and one is a one-person tent so we're gonna have to share." Hunk said. "I brought a two-person tent." Shiro said pointing to the one in Allura's hands. "Aish, Love Birds I call the one-person tent" Pidge said picking it up and heading out to find flat ground. "I ah roll when I sleep and wouldn't want to suffocate one of you. Are you okay with sharing a tent?" Hunk asked eyeing Lance and Keith. "Of course we are." Keith spat out which cause Lance's cheeks to turn pink. Keith grabbed a tent and followed Lance to find a spot to put it. When they were walking they passed Pidge and them if they needed help. "What no I'm done with my tent." they said walking away. Lance and Keith just looked at each other in disbelief neither of them knew how to do this. Keith and Lance struggled but finally got their tent up. The whole time they keep glancing at each other, making sure the other wasn't looking. "They're so blindly in love." Hunk said with a sigh Pidge just nodded and handed Hunk the lighter to start the fire. "Hey, Klance you going to come eat hot dogs or just stare at each other for the rest of the night." Pidge shouted making the rest of the crew laugh except Lance. "Come on let's go eat." Keith said hitting Lance's shoulder smiling. Everyone ate hot dogs and told stories about far away galaxies and other planets. Everyone was having a great time and slowing losing energy. They all decided it was time to go to bed and everyone went to their tents to sleep. (Klance tent, Shullra tent, Hunk, Pidge, & Coran Single Tents). Lance was tired from a day of traveling and fell asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow. Keith laid down thinking he rolled over to stare at Lance's bare back. He traced Lance's muscles with his finger, his hand looked so pale against Lance's natural darken skin. He was starting to get tired so he wrapped his arms around Lance's waist and fell into dreamland. Shiro was laying away with Allura laying on his stomach. "What's your favorite lullaby?" Allura asked. "Probably you're my sunshine, it's what my mom sang to me" Shiro said with a smile. "Mines Jubilate Deo I find it funny because no one knows the actual translation of it." Allura whispered with her eyes shut. "I think it's time we went to sleep." Shiro whispered before placing a kiss on Allura's forehead shifting to hold her tight. 


Lance wakes up to find him and Keith in a tangled mess. Skin to Skin. Lance soaked in Keith's warmness and breathed in his scent. Lance felt Keith stir "were you just sniffing me?" He asked in a husky morning voice while rubbing his eyes. "You got a problem with the fact that you smell good?" Lance asked sitting up. "Nope." Keith smiled and pecked Lance on the lips before grabbing a shirt and leaving the tent. Lance shortly followed Keith out of the tent to see only Coran and Hunk we're still sleeping. Yes, the two people who are planning this whole thing are sleeping. "Maybe we should just go swimming." Pidge suggested before taking a bite of their banana. "No, we have a schedule we're going swimming later." A voice said behind them everyone turned to see Coran standing behind them with his hair going up into random places. "The thing we're doing today is Fishing, Horse Back Riding, Picnic, and Swimming." Coran said putting down the paper in front of his face. "In that order?" Keith asked still slightly tired. "Yes, fish bite this early in the morning it's the best time unless you want to do it later tonight." Coran answered while starting to eat his green smoothie which all the rest called space goo but nevertheless it was delicious. "Hunk said that if he wasn't up, go ahead go fishing without him." Coran explained. "Oh, hell no I'm not going without my best friend." Lance said while unzipping Hunk's tent "HUNK GET UP WE'RE GOING FISHING!" Lance screamed into the tent. "Didn't know you liked fishing so much Lance." Hunk's muffled voice was heard. Soon all of them were heading to the deck with fishing poles. "I have no idea how to do this" Shiro said almost slicing his hand open. "CAREFUL." Allura screamed, "I DON'T WANT TO HAVE TO TAKE YOU TO THE HOSPITAL." She then corrected him and everyone fishing. They caught a few fish but they took a few pictures and released them back into the waters of Lake Michigan. It was about 11 am when they finished fishing. "What's next big man?" Pidge asked patting Coran on the shoulder. "Horse Back Riding. We have to go meet the people with Horses by the  Glenwood Dunes Trail." Coran said pointing to the east somewhere. Hunk Lead the way even though he wasn't going Horse Back Riding because of his fear of horses. "Look I'm still walking beside you guys it's just I have a fear of riding a horse not the horse itself. Make sense?" Hunk said. Everyone nodded and hopped on their horses. Pidge got a mini pony, Keith and Lance on an Appaloosa horse, Shiro and Allura on an  Andalusian horse, and Coran was on a Dutch Warmblood horse. Most of the time the crew was silent enjoying the views of nature. The whole trip took around 3 hours it was 2 pm by the time they put on the horses back and paid for the rental. "Ok so now we're going to do the best thing ever .... eat." Hunk said picking up a picnic basket that seemed to come from nowhere. "The picnic shelters are right over here." Hunk said walking in some direction. "I have 3 different kinds of sandwiches 3 turkey, 2 ham, and 2 PB&J." Hunk said placing them on the table. Lance & Shiro got Ham, Pidge & Keith got PB&J, and Coran Hunk & Allura got Turkey. They all dug into their food having conversations about different movies and youtubers. "I honestly like watching random short stories films on youtube there are a lot of cute ones, like in a heartbeat." Pidge said. "Omg in a heartbeat is so cute I cried." Lance said looking at Keith. "Isn't that about the one where the heart goes after that boy." Keith asked "Yeah." Lance blushed "It was really cute." Keith said taking a bite of celery. Everyone continued to have fun conversations sometimes laughing sometimes blushing. The gang eventually all finished lunch around 4 pm and headed back to the campsite. "TIME FOR SWIMMING!" Pidge yelled while bunking into their tent to get changed into their suit. "Ah, you can first I'll just wait here." Lance said Keith just tugged him back his collar into the tent to change. "Ok, so we have about an hour until the sun goes down so once it's nighttime we should probably head out because who knows what's in these waters at night." Hunk said. Everyone just laughed and jumped in the water cool against the summer degrees. Every splash around in the water which was slowly becoming darker and everyone was relaxing. They decided they should go eat dinner since everyone was hungry. Hunk had made pasta and everyone liked it. Lance was really tired once again so he was the first to head to bed. Everyone else was still around the fire roasting marshmallows. "So you guys aren't going to leave right?" Pidge said after a silence. "What are you talking about Pidge?" Keith asked. "Well I don't know you have Lance and you both and Hunk going off to college next year, plus Shiro's in college and Allura has an IT job. I don't know I just don't want to be left alone next year." Pidge says with a hint of sadness in their eyes. "I know for a fact me and Lance are going to the local college so don't fret Podge." Hunk says laughing at Pidge's worry. "We're not leaving you Pidge if anything you can count on that." Keith said while his marshmallow fell into the fire. "Ha, your marshmallow got eaten by the fire." Pidge laughed. "Oh be quiet." Keith said throwing the bag of marshmallows at them.  "Pidge why were you worried about next year?" Allura asked. "I guess I just thought everyone was moving on from here." Pidge answered. "Without you?!?!? That's like moving without an arm" (a/n wink) Shiro said. Pidge just blushed and smiled. "I'm gonna book it for tonight I'll see you tomorrow morning." Keith said heading to his and Lance's tent. Once Keith entered his saw Lance's eyes pop open. Lance smiled and said, "no matter the temperature I still felt cold without you here." Keith blushed and snuggled up to Lance. "Lance, I just realized neither of us asked each other out." Keith said wide-eyed. "Well, will you be-" Lance got cut off "Let's just make it a mutual agreement we asked each other." Keith said. Lance answered by placing his lips on Keith's warming his entire body. "Goodnight." Lance whispered into Keith's  ear he smiled and whisper 'Goodnight' back. They both fell asleep with smiles on their faces. 

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