Chp. 18 - Gang Back Together

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Yellow Lion: Everyone clear their schedule this Saturday. 

Greenie: Why?

Yellow Lion: Because we're all going camping at Indiana Dunes State Park

Keith: We're doing what?


BlueCat: Not to be a downer whats camping? 

Dad: Camping is staying out in nature, sleeping in tents, roasting marshmallows above the fire, and hanging out with friends.

Greenie: How's the weather looking for Saturday 

Yellow Lion: Well I'm just going to tell you all the details now, it's supposed to be nice weather, we all go down in my mom's van on Friday. Get there set up camp eat dinner sleep. Have all Saturday down there and leave Sunday Morning. 

FireFlame: I'm down bc of Old Brandy

Keith: Are you cheating on me!?!?!

FireFlame: What? No that's Hunk's van's name.


Dad: Where are we going to meet before we go down there cause I mean we all kind of have school and live in different parts of town.

Yellow Lion: I'll pick everyone up I have a system make sure you're packed you get a 15-minute warning before I'm at your place.

Greenie: I don't even live 15-minutes away from you 

Yellow Lion: I know you're coming home from school with me, I'll drive you to school too so you can just leave your bag in my car.

BlueCat: I'm excited to go camping also bc I live farther away I go to Shiro's dorm. 

Fluffy Mustache: I can get myself down there plus I did the calculations I wouldn't fit anyways. I just need to get the campsite number then I'll use the map to find it

FireFlame: Ok Coran see you on Sunday

Keith: Just use google maps it will show exactly where to go. 

Yellow Lion: Also don't forget your bathing suits. 

Dad: Ok everyone to bed or finish your homework or take a shower. THEN BED.

Greenie: yes dad

FireFlame: Sí Padre 

Keith: lol goodnight

BlueCat: Goodnight 

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