Chp. 7 - Lance to Keef

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Memelord: Hey, if you don't want Pidge knowing you work at the library we can go somewhere else.

Angsty Red Lion: I mean I kind of want them to know it's kind of my thing loving to read like a secret almost.

Memelord: then why do you tell me?

Angsty Red Lion: idk i mean you like to read too

Memelord: Aw. Keef ...

Memelord: can I tell you a secret?

Angsty Red Lion: Shut up and yes

Memelord: you're the only reason I read.

Angsty Red Lion: Oh.. Ok umm well just like take Pidge on a different day

Memelord: How am I going to get out of it???

Angsty Red Lion: just say you have tutoring, they'll believe you.

Memelord: That's true even though I am smart

Angsty Red Lion: I know you are so why don't you show it

Memelord: ?

Angsty Red Lion: Just make sure Pidge doesn't find out.

[Memelord has left the chat]

[Science Pidgeon to Memelord]

Science Pidgeon: We still on for today?

Memelord: No I have tutoring

Science Pidgeon: ok soon though I want to crack on Mrs.June

Memelord: ok yeah

Science Pidgeon: wait lance

Memelord: yeah

Science Pidgeon: I've been thinking about Keith's password like the numbers and stuff, when's your birthday?

Memelord: June 28th why?

Science Pidgeon: and Keith's?

Memelord: Why would I know his

Science Pidgeon: I know you know it

Memelord: find October 23rd why???

Science Pidgeon: Same year?

Memelord: Yes.

Science Pidgeon: Would you like to explain to me why the number in Keith's password is a combination of your guys' birthdays

Memelord: ?

Science Pidgeon: August 5th - 8/5 November 6th - 11/6 2000 *BOOM*

[Memelord has went offline]

Science Pidgeon: Oh?

A/N Lmao I now know their birthdays and lets pretend its the same year because high school although I feel keefs older I make no sense so I'm going to stop rambling.

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