Chapter 20

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The sun was setting and naoki still had no luck.. she decided to go home when the sun was not visible and focused on other things.

Since long ago naoki was envious of the sage names jiraiya and her dad, because they could summon toads. Though Naoki didn't do much research on summoning yet she did know the hand seals and the fact that blood was needed. Since the sun was still there she decided to switch over to summoning, even though she has never done it, she didn't think it would be hard.

She bit a small wound on her thumb and then did the signs: Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey → Ram

"Summoning no jutsu!"

A smoke appeared and for a while she couldn't see anything, she was nervous.. did she succeed or fail?

The smoke disappeared and something was there, she succeeded in summoning. The animal was small and had black scales, it looked like a snake. The odd thing was that the 'snake' had horns

 The odd thing was that the 'snake' had horns

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"Human.. what is your name?" The 'snake' said

"Naoki, namikaze naoki. What is your name mr. Snake or mrs. snake?"

Snake... she thinks I'm a snake.. well that will do for now..

"Ryuuzou, but just ryu will do"

After that Naoki noticed the sun had disappeared and said to ryu she had to go home and it would be better for ryu to go home too. There was only one little problem.. because ryu was summoned without a contract, it was hard for her to leave.. ryu slithered around naoki's arm and said

"I can't leave now, you'll just have to deal with me for now.." ryu said and turned into some kind of pattern around naoki's arm, like a tatoo..

Naoki had no choice but to go with it and bandaged the arm so no one would comment on it.. the fun thing was that ryu could still communicate with naoki.

Naoki went home and no one suspected a thing.


The next day, the ones who passed gathered in front of the entrance of the academy. They waited for their new proctor. Luckily this proctor was not kakashi and was on time.

The proctor brought them to what was called the forest of death, Naruto and naoki were getting bad vibes from the place..

"You'll soon find out why it's called the forest of death" she told them with a smirk on her face

"You think that scares me?! Thats nothing, I'm not afraid!!" Sakura stated with trembling legs

Naoki sighed.. sakura shouldn't have said that..

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