Chapter 29

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"You're human now?" Naoki asked confused

Ryu laughed

"No, not exactly.. this is just a form I can change into"

"Really? That's so cool!" Naoki said with a new form of admiration

Ryu smiled and then glanced at the newcomer, Itachi. He just stood there observing everything

"So naoki, who is that man besides you? Your partner?" Ryu asked with an interest

"H-he's.." the words didn't come out because she was too flustered

"I'm Uchiha Itachi, naoki's temporarily watcher" Itachi introduced

Naoki felt her heart sink.. he introduced himself like he was babysitting her.. which wasn't exactly a lie but it didn't feel pleasant to hear..

"I see, I'll formally introduce myself. My name is ryuuzou but many call me ryu, this little dragon next to me is my older sibling" ryu said pointing at the little boy

"Yoichi is the name, pleasure to meet you~" he said sweetly

"... older sibling? He looks way younger than any of us?!" Naoki said shocked

"He just likes this form better... he's actually older than me.. by ten years.."

"That's surprising.." Itachi said and took another good look at the boy, no matter how long he looked all he saw was a 5/6 year old boy..

"But never mind him.. naoki you came here for something didn't you?" Ryu asked changing the subject

"How did you-"

"We have our ways" yoichi smiled

"I see.. well I came here to learn senjutsu, Is it possible for you to teach me?" Naoki asked scratching her cheek awkwardly

"Senjutsu? Of course! I'd be glad to. Will he be learning as well?" Ryu asked looking at Itachi

Itachi shook his head

"He's just here to watch me.." Naoki explained, her tone was a bit sad amd bitter when she said that

Ryu nodded and started to drag naoki to another place, Itachi tried to follow but he was being held up by yoichi

"Uchiha-san~ it's better for both of us to let them be~" he said

Itachi frowned, he wanted to have naoki within his reach.. for both personal reasons and because he's supposed to be watching her..

"And why if I may ask?"

Yoichi turned to his older self, it was to look more intimidating. Itachi was just surprised for a split second but composed himself, something like this wasn't enough to shock or intimidate him.

"Learning senjutsu isn't something that can be done just like that, it takes a whole lot of concentration. Both you and me will be a distraction she doesn't need." Yoichi said sternly

Itachi sighed.. he rather still go but for her sake he didn't


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