02. Can you die from it?

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Well, here's the second one. Go on, people. Don't bother me.


Oh my God, did he just smile at her?

Why are they holding hands?

Please tell me they aren't dating.

"Please tell me you aren't dating."

Violet smiled at Aiden. "G'morning."

"Good morning, Vi? Really?"

He dropped down his tray of food on the cafeteria table, shooting Brian-who was sitting beside Violet with an arm over her shoulder- a death glare before sitting down.

"Why's he sitting at our table? Why's he touching you? Why are you two sitting so close? Why's there a rumour saying that you both are together now? Why'd you leave this morning without even waking me up? Why's Brian glaring at me? Why are you smiling at me?"

And that, dear people, was the worked up Aiden.

"You know," Violet sighed, unwrapping her piece of sandwich from its foil, "you're worrying for no reason. The condition Brian gave me was actually quite stupid, mind you. Perfectly harmless."

"As harmless as you snuggling with him? Why are you two even together anyways? It's not like you like him...uh, right?"

She hesitated for a moment, then decided not to answer. After all, a promise made shall be kept.

"What class do you have next?"

Aiden was quick to notice the change in the subject. His eyes narrowed down on her. "Our schedule is the same, Vi. It's been like that since freshman year."

Realizing the attempt was weaker than a dying turtle, she laughed sheepishly. "Right. Silly me."

They chatted away for the next few minutes, with Aiden shooting a look at her every now and then telling her that they'd have to talk later. However, Brian was silent throughout the whole time, lazily chewing on his green apple with his eyes closed.

Violet, who had managed to keep a straight and smiling face with Brian's arm laying around her shoulder all this time, finally gave in. She shrugged it off, wincing at the sudden emptiness. Her shoulder felt numb.

When she noticed that the cafeteria was getting emptier every minute, she scooted away from Brian, closer to Aiden and started massaging her shoulder blades.

Brian pried one eye open, gave her a glance, before closing them back again. Violet held the scowl on her face firmly.

Aiden, on the other hand, seemed a bit confused with the sudden change of mood. Though his head was burning with questions, he remained silent, watching the other two and trying to grasp the whole thing.

The bell rang just as Violet finished her lunch. She stood up, nudging Brian lightly on the ribs.

"C'mon, you need to get to class."

He didn't budge.


Not this time either.



"Brian Stewarts."


"Fat ass."

His eyes flung open, glaring at her. "My ass isn't fat."

Violet sighed. "That's what wakes you up."

Treacherous (Twisted Fairytales #1) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now