10. The dumb blonde.

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  "My dad is the King's second cousin."

  Well, out of everything, Violet hadn't expected that. Why had she never known about that before? Good question. She's been asking herself the same thing since Aiden had said it.

  "How is it..." Violet trailed off, raising a questioning eyebrow at him.

  Aiden started fidgeting. He wasn't supposed to say a single word. Then how did he end up telling her stuffs? Good question. He's been asking himself the same thing since he had said it.

  This time, he motioned of zipping his mouth close. "Sorry, princess. Not allowed to say anything."

  Violet was disappointed, but didn't show it. She took the last bite of the sandwich Aiden had been holding in front of her mouth and chewed it slowly. When she was done, Aiden unscrewed the cap of the water bottle, before letting her have some.

  "Doesn't matter." Violet tried to shrug nonchalantly, as if she hadn't been dying for information and played the card she hoped she had over him. "I'll die in a few minutes anyways. Anything I hear, I'll take it to my grave, but I guess trusting me isn't in your heart."

  Aiden gulped. Damn this girl for having a way with her words. He got up and gathered the empty plate, leaving the bottle with her. Though it wouldn't do much help, since Violet was tied and all, but he left it anyways. When he reached out for the cloth to tie her mouth, Violet did the puppy dog eyes.

  "Don't, please. The cloth makes me want to throw up."

  Aiden debated on listening to her, and in the end, did and left her mouth untied. Besides, even if she did scream, her voice wouldn't go beyond the soundproof walls. Aiden turned on his heels, determined to leave the room as soon as he could.


  His heart stopped when Violet's voice cracked at the last syllable. He slowly looked back at her, and felt his heart shatter when he found her eyes glossed over with the emotions she had been holding back.


  Violet felt a wave of nausea hit her at the nickname. Hard to believe that she once loved it when he called her that.

  "Did your father kill my mum?"

  Something flashed in his eyes. "I-I'm not supposed to say anything, Vi...Violet."

  When Aiden left the room, Violet mentally slapped herself for wanting to cry. She felt like bursting into tears and letting it all out. The pain, the betrayal, the memories - everything. But she couldn't. The closest she had come to crying in the past year was wiped by a single stroke of tissue. She couldn't bring herself to cry, but at the same time, she wanted to bawl out.

  Violet gritted her teeth, blinking back the tears that had formed in the corner of her eyes. What was she crying for anyways? She wasn't scared to die. And she certainly wasn't crying over Aiden, cause that'd be completely ridiculous. Or at least that's what she kept telling herself.

  She closed her eyes, letting herself take some rest. If she was planning to get out, it wouldn't be without a fight. She needed as much energy she could conserve.

  Violet didn't know when she started dozing off, but the sudden sound of the door opening startled her from her sleep as she jumped up. Two men entered, one of them were muscles and the other she didn't know. Both had something in their hands, and when Violet looked properly, she realized that it was a gun that they had been holding. Her stomach dropped at the thought of that being her last moment.

  Would anybody miss her if she was gone? The people wouldn't certainly mourn for her as they had done for her mother, since they barely had the time to digest the fact that their princess had been alive. Her father would probably, but he wouldn't be reluctant to try to move on quickly.

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