05. Neil Armstrong's so hot!

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"Hello, daddy."

"Violet. How are you?"

"I'm fine. You?"

"A bit busy and tired. But well."

"You need to take care of your health too, daddy. Admit it or not, but you are getting older."

"Don't start these chants, love. I'm only fifty-two."

"I'm not calling you old. I said, older than before."

"Who's the one getting older, huh? Happy birthday, dear."

"Thank you, daddy."

"No matter. I have to go now. There are a few things that require my attention."

"Goodbye, daddy."

When she hung up, a small smile crept up her lips. Her father had actually remembered her birthday this year. And unlike the year before, he didn't just sent her a simple two-word text. He had personally called her, wished her a happy birthday, and then bailed of course.


Brian, who was sitting in front of Violet with his legs on the table, much to her dismay, whistled. "Never seen someone so formal with her parents before."

"Ever seen a princess before?" Violet shrugged at his lack of reply. "Guess there's a first time for everything."

"So, what are your plans for today?"

"Well, I'm eighteen now..."

"Let's get drunk."

She shot him a glare. "Eighteen, Bri. Not twenty-one."

"Oh. Let's get you a tattoo, then."

Violet paused, considering the proposal. It'd feel awesome to do something rebellious in the eyes of the king, but she wasn't sure about the pain. "That's not-"

"-a good idea."

Both Brian and Violet snapped their heads at the direction of the voice. Aiden stood leaning against the door frame of Violet's room, his arms crossed over his chest.

His black t-shirt hung tightly around his frame as a lock of his light hair played whenever he moved. Violet gulped. His looks would definitely be the death of her.

Suddenly, his words registered in her head. She frowned. "Excuse me?"

"What do you think the king will say when he sees that you've got a tattoo, Vi?"

"Does it matter what daddy says? Besides, I'd love to get a tattoo. It's just so cool!"

Aiden shook his head sideways. "I don't think you should, princess."

Violet pouted. If there was one way to Aiden's heart, it'd be playing cute. "Pwease, Aidy? It's muwai birthdway."

Brian wrinkled his nose. Yup. He definitely didn't like this fake Lavender.

Aiden sighed. "Don't pull that card on me."

"But it really is!"

"Fine! Get a bloody tattoo! Don't come to me when the king kills you."

"Trust me, I won't."

It took a bit of time to make Aiden agree to their request, but when he did, Violet felt like she was on top of the world.

Why? Cause she didn't want Aiden, out of all people, to be unsatisfied at her on her birthday.

It was true that she liked him a lot. Violet knew it well that the thump in her heart and the butterflies roaming around weren't nothing. There was something else she felt too. But it was wrong. It was completely wrong for her to like Aiden. After all, the bitter truth was that she was a princess. Her father would never acknowledge Aiden as any equal.

Treacherous (Twisted Fairytales #1) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now