Treacherous - Not-so-fun facts

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1I got the idea of writing this story from a picture (inserted above) and never had the interest of publishing it.

2It was supposed to be published as a test-drive before I published another one of my stories that I had been extremely excited about. But guess what, when I thought of not giving any importance to it, my baby Treacherous turned into one of the lovelies of my life!

3.  The ending was never supposed to be like this. When I was on the first phase of making Treacherous, I told one of my bff about the plot which was mainly about Violet falling in love with one of her bodyguards (our dearest first aid) and facing obstacles on their way. And Brian was supposed to play the role of 'queen bitch'.

  Hearing that, my friend was like, "...okay, but where's the fun in that?"

  And I was like, "fun? I'll give you fun!"

  And then bam! I turned Aiden into the bad guy and Brian the knight in toilet paper. I had also thought of Brian saving Violet, but then decided against it and tried to build up a kick-ass heroine.

4.  Original names :

  Brian - Lucas.

  Violet - Lauren.

  Aiden - had always been Aiden.

  Guess he'd never change, huh?


With love,


Treacherous (Twisted Fairytales #1) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now