09. How Do You Suggest I Eat?

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It was dead silent.

Violet didn't need to open her eyes to understand that she was surrounded by at least four people, as she could clearly make out their breathing in the quiet environment.

She felt a slight twinge of headache, and then the twinge turned into something even more hurtful when the car bumped on the street. She felt someone draw slow patterns with their fingers on her head, the gesture was-

Wait a bloody bleeding second. She was in a car. Her head was resting over someone's thigh. It was dark outside. She was still stuffed in her cupcake-dress. Her mouth was tightly tied by a queasy smelling cloth. Her hands and legs were also tied with something. What the what?

Suddenly, the vision of the previous events came back flooding to her mind. Her decision to go out on the garden. Aiden kissing her. Aiden admitting that he's jealous. Aiden-

Aiden betraying her.

Violet shot straight up, making the people next to her startle. Surely enough, her head had been resting on Aiden's thigh, and he was the one trying to play with her hair.

How bloody dare he?

However, the rest of the people in the car seemed as if they had seen a ghost. Their eyes were bulging out in surprise, as if she was supposed to be dead.

They were in a jeep, with four people as the passage other than the driver. Violet couldn't recognize any of them, except for Aiden, that is. His eyes flashed with something as soon as Violet turned her head towards him, but he was quick to cover it up.

Violet decided to remain calm. Any wrong move and they'd end her right there. Well, they'd probably kill her anyways, but she had to buy herself time if she ever wanted to get away from them alive. Thus, Violet thought of playing it cool.

She raised a questioning eyebrow at Aiden, slowly lifting up her tied hands in front of his face in a manner of, seriously?

Aiden had expected anything but that. He had thought that she'd try to struggle, scream, heck, even cry. But the coolness Violet was giving him was enough to make him question her sanity.

Violet could've sworn that she saw Aiden's eyes soften, but before she could read more into it, a cold blade was forced against her throat. The touch of the metal sent a rush of shiver down her legs, and the more she fought it, the more it became prominent.

"Sit quiet, princess," the all-muscles next to her hissed in her ears, making Violet wrinkle her nose in disgust. "One stupid move and I'll-" he didn't go any further, rather pressed the blade a little tighter against her throat to prove his point.

The contact stung, enough clue to let Violet know that it might not have gone that deep, but had definitely left a mark. She squeezed her eyes shut, not letting the pain get the best of her. Showing weakness was not an option. Giving up and letting go was never an option.

Violet felt Aiden stiffen beside her, before he cursed loudly and snatched the knife away from muscle-man. "Don't you dare do that again! Boss wants to have her by himself. None of us are allowed to touch her."

Muscles laughed haughtily, examining his masterpiece on Violet. "For someone who's a grade-A traitor, you sure do care for this thing."

Aiden ignored him and his crack, grabbing a tissue from somewhere in the backseat and held it over the then bleeding wound on Violet's throat. If it was a mere few hours ago,Violet would have felt shivers at the contact. But right then, inside the jeep with people who were determined to kill her, she couldn't feel anything but disgust towards Aiden.

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