08. And Oh My God, Have You Seen Frozen?

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  "'Twas my pahfec accen' that made me pass the gahds."

  Violet slapped his chest playfully, throwing her head back in laughter. It was definitely non-princessy, but she couldn't care less. They slightly swayed with the music playing in the background, with Brian's hands on her waist while hers rested on his shoulders. The proximity could've bothered her, but Violet felt nothing but peace in his arms. She was void of any tension, any thoughts, even. Weirdly enough, Violet was happy.

  It had been real long since she had admitted that she was happy.

  Violet broke her gaze away from Brian and placed her head on his shoulder blade. Her hands slid down to his chest, resting on top of the steady beat of his heart. She closed her eyes, solely concentrating on the rhythm that played on beneath her fingers.


  Violet loved how Brian wasn't calling her Your Highness or something, just like what Aiden had been doing. "Hm?"

  "You look like a cupcake."

  Violet groaned. He'd never let her like him for a second, would he?

  Brian chuckled softly, his chest vibrating under her hands. "I mean, you look really cute, but not the kick-ass princess I love."

  Kick-ass princess I love.

  Violet tried not to take his words too seriously, telling herself that maybe he hadn't meant it in any other way. She kept telling herself that the knot in her heart didn't mean anything either.

  Brian, completely oblivious to his little slip-up, continued. "I've always seen you in jeans and t-shirt and sweatpants-"

  "That was one time!"

  "-and things like that. Never thought I'd have to bear watching you in something so...kiddish. Tell me, love, did you pick this gown by yourself?"

  "No. It was daddy."

  "Ah, the king. Send him my...uh, Lavender, is the old dude that's coming here with a look that's enough to kill me your daddy?"

  Violet's eyes flung open as she spun on her heels, noticing none other than her father, reaching them with long strides.

  Uh, oh. He was not going to be happy, considering that he saw the both of them in a comfortable, yet intimate position. Violet gulped.

  "Oh, damn," Brian whispered, "well, Lavender, it was nice knowing you and your weird fetish of cupcakes. I'm glad that I had someone like you in my life, cause never in my embarrassing pre-teen dreams had I ever thought of meeting a princess. I'm definitely not glad that I have to die in the hands of the king of, uh, Lovebirds? Is that what your country's name is? Sorry, I have to check the Google for it. Anyways, like I was saying, oh shit, the king's looking at me. Oh, shit, he can hear me. Oh double shit, he's extending his hand...wait, you want me to shake it?"

  King Thomas, who had already been laughing at Brian's idiocy, nodded. Brian hastily shook his hand, before his eyes widened in realization.

  "Your Highness!" He bowed down, trying to hide his embarrassment.

  "It's all right, lad." The king patted him on the back, urging him to straighten up. When he did, King Thomas turned towards Violet, a happy glint in his eyes. "Is this the boy who forced you to be his girlfriend?"

  Violet nodded, wondering what had gotten her father into such a delightful mood.

  "You're something, boy. It's not everyday my daughter does what you tell her to."

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