03. He's Constipating.

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They strolled through the park, with Brian pushing the stroller and Aiden shooting daggers at him every second.

Violet sighed. The tension that was around them was like potatoes - the one you can never ignore. It wasn't that she was worried about the two boys beating the shit out of each other. The only thing that worried her was that Aiden was making a fool out of himself, as Brian was paying no heed to his snide comments.

"You know," Brian stopped on his tracks, turning towards Violet, "you should tell your boyfriend to stop roasting me in his head every damn second."

Violet rolled her eyes. "Technically, you're my boyfriend right now. And Aiden wasn't my boyfriend to begin with."

Another uncomfortable silence settled in, with them trying to avoid each other's eyes. Well, except for Aiden, that is.

After a few more minutes, the baby in the stroller cried out, throwing its arms around. Brian immediately stopped, running in front of it and kneeling down.

He tried whispering nonsensical things to it, but none of them had any effect on the kid. However, he wasn't the one to give up.

"No, darling...hey, big bro's here...c'mon, sweetie, don't cry...mom'll kill me if you don't stop crying...Sophie, please...shh...shh, Sophie...shh..."

Violet crossed her arms over her chest, frowning down at him. "You know, if you continue doing that, she's gonna pee right on your face."

Brian paused, and took a dramatic second before looking up at her. "Well, if you're so good at it, why don't you make the goddamn kid shut?"

She rolled her eyes, before waking upto the baby carriage and picking the wailing kid up in her arms. "Just so you know, Bri, this goddamn kid happens to be your sister."

It took Violet a while to calm the baby down, and she only did when Aiden, with all the annoyance in the world, suggested that Sophie might be hungry. And just the moment Brian popped the baby bottle into her mouth, she relaxed back in Violet's arms, filling herself with the bottled milk.

Violet watched the kid with a smile on her face. She has always loved kids, but as her mother was murdered when she was only seven months old, she never had the luck of having a little sibling. Which resulted in her growing up all alone, only having her dolls by her side to play with.

But babies were such an attraction to her, that she could spend the whole day with them. When she had moved to the States, she wanted to do babysitting every weekend. But her father refused, as the princess of Lorvale doing such stuffs didn't seem fitting.

And she hated him for that. Yes, Violet loved her father dearly, him being her only family, but if there was one side of him that she could change, it'd be the way he treated his inferiors. And when you're the king, everyone is your inferior.

To everyone, King Thomas was a kind hearted man, who loved each and every soul in the whole Lorvale. But only Violet knew what was beneath those donations.

To show the world that he owned. To show the world that he could burn down a few truckloads of money and still be respected in his country.

But every relation in this world was a give-and-take one. If her father wasn't giving respect to the people, in no way the ones he was getting would last forever.

Right next to her, as silently as he could, Brian kept flickering his gaze from Violet to the baby cradled in her arms. He knew Sophie was a stubborn one, and would never stop crying before a good half an hour, but the way Violet handled her was...beautiful. He never thought that one day he'd use this word for anyone other than his mom, but he had to give it to her.

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