07. A Royal Pain In The Arse.

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The cold gust of air from the air conditioner left a sensible shiver prickling down her spine, making her wonder if it was really the cold or the sudden nostalgia. So what if she had spent her days here in Lorvale being stuck in the castle? It was her home. Her country. Her own people.

The plane ride had been quite comfortable, unless you'd count the awkward silence that had persisted between her and Aiden. It seemed as if Aiden had suddenly had the notion of Violet being a princess.

While strolling out from the terminal, Violet pushed past a few people who were trying to hurry to their own destination, leaving her thinking if that'd be the last time she goes out in open without random people recognizing her.

And there she was. Lorvale. A small, yet influential country of Britain, standing by the ocean with it's heritage and rich history. The population was around four hundred million, which left a lot of land untouched. It was well developed and well known all over the world for its huge resource of minerals. A country Violet had learnt to love from the deepest of her heart.

Was there really time for all those thoughts? Violet let out a sigh. The next night was her inauguration ball, much to her personal dismay, in which the king would declare his next heir and introduce the not-so-dead princess to the country.

But her father had bigger plans in mind, Violet could see that. If not, he wouldn't have invited the royalties from all over the world.

Oh shit, Violet rubbed her temple impatiently, she should've seen it coming, he'll try to marry me off!

And that, was something Violet had never planned to do. Especially not with some spoiled Prince of God-knows-where.

When she and Aiden had made their way out, there was a huge man with a tiny paper in his hand that said, Violet Lewin and Aiden Thompson.

Violet groaned inside. Another awkward ride with Aiden.

While on the ride, Violet made herself busy with the scenarios outside. A few more industries had been built on the outskirts of the country, which was not a surprise to her as she had constantly heard back in the States that her father was increasing his productions.

States. The word pulled at one of her heartstrings.

When she thought that she'd be happy leaving the States, Brian had ruined all of that. She felt so bad leaving him, and the second Brian had engulfed her into a hug, she swore she'd cry. But she didn't. Instead, she had wrapped her own arms around him and pretended to be not affected by the goodbye kiss he had lovingly placed on top of her head.

She'd never get to see him again. Never get to talk to him again. And considering how her father was, she probably wouldn't get to have Aiden all on her own again as well.

Speaking of which...

"You know," Violet playfully pinched the side of Aiden's arm, bringing his concentration to her, "avoiding me isn't really mature. Specially when we're sitting right next to each other."

Aiden rubbed his face with his hands. "I'm just...not used to this side of you."

"What side?"

"This royal side."

One of her hands automatically went to her hips. "When have I acted royal?"

"You haven't. It's just that...I don't know. I've personally known you from the time you were in the States, living life as a normal brat. But now, with all these hundreds of guards trailing behind us with their arms out on display, I can't help but thing that they'd shoot me right in the head if I pronounce your name wrong."

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