Chapter 2

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Lance pov

I lay in bed, wide awake, resting my head on my arms. Allura had told the team to rest up, as we have a mission to get this 'Slav' dude soon. But I knew sleep was out of the question. My brain would never allow such thing. I feel as if I was trapped, in my own body. A simple slave to the works of the mind.

The silence was...something I was not familiar with. I had grown up in a large family, silence was a treasure and a suspicious gift. But here, in the castle, silence was just another part of life. The castle offers no homeliness, no reassurance, and no...happiness. Besides the six other occupants, it got quite lonely, especially after the thrill of being a paladin wore off. In between missions. meetings, and training, we had a lot of free time. It gave me so much more time to think about what I was doing. Here, I can not help out, here... I can not be me.  At home there were smiling faces and praises around every corner. Here... I am barely known.

I know I'm not the smartest, I know I'm not the strongest, and I sure as hell, know I'm not the most talented. I don't care if I'm not congratulated after another grueling mission, I don't care that I get glares whenever I cracked a joke to lighten the mood, and I don't care that I'm usually the distraction during every mission, because at least that means they know I'm there. But I know I try, I only hope they know that to. What's the use of being here if they have everything covered? I'm just another body to feed and another body to care for. What's the use if-

Allura's voice cut through the silence(and my thoughts)like a knife through jelly."Paladins get in gear and head towards the ship's control room, we have plans to discuss about your mission, you have 10 minutes." Then, nothing. I had not wanted to get out of bed, even though I was doing nothing. Allura had given me such a simple task, getting out of bed and ready, but even that took much of my strength. I can't lie, I...haven't...been eating very well. It's not bad! I promise, it's just...if I'm already useless...why waste food on me? Again, my thoughts came back, bringing the onslaught of a migraine to. Just then I realize, I have been sitting here on my bed for the past... 5 minutes. I now only have half of the original time. I rushed to get ready, but I already knew I was going to be late...again. I threw everything on and ran to the control room.

By the time I got there, I was only a few tics late. But I stood outside the door, gasping for air. I took one last breathe, throwing on, what I hoped, was a convincing smirk. The door slid open, revealing the rest of the Paladins, Coran, and Allura.
"Lance you're late." Allura said, arms crossed, eyes narrowed.
"It takes time to get ready and skills to look as I do." I smirked."Besides, I was only late by, what, 2 minutes?" I walked up to the group, still smirking.
"Lance, in those two minutes, the Galra would have done a lot of damage already. In fact, in those two minutes you could have died or risked the lives of the entire team!" Allura shot back.
"Lance, Allura's right, you can't fool around anymore, the entire universe depends on us. We have billions of lives on our shoulders and we need you to be serious about it." Shiro said, resting his Galran hand on my shoulder. I faltered a bit but shot right back up.
"Relax guys, it's not like anything happened. I needed my beauty sleep to look as gorgeous as ever." I jokingly said. Shiro sighed pulling his arm away.
"You just told Lance to be serious, that's like telling a cow not to moo." Keith jumped in.
"Oh shut it, mullet." I said, glaring at him.
"Cut it out you guys, we're here for a reason." Shiro said.
"Right, thank you for bringing the topic back Shiro." Allura announced.
"Paladins, as you know we are going to retrieve Slav, I believe he would be great help to us." Allura's voice started to fade away. And soon I just zoned out. I couldn't hear the plans and I didn't know what was going on, the only thing I could hear and feel was the throbbing and aching migraine I had. Until I snapped back.
"Lance, you ready?" Coran had asked.
"Ugh, yeah!" I quickly lied, the pain of the migraine was in the back of my mind. 'Forget about it Lance, we'll worry about it later, it's not that important.' They'll say.
"Pfft, he didn't pay attention. You're going with Shiro to retrieve Slav. You get it through your thick skull yet, idiot?" Keith muttered. Before I could retort, Shiro cut in.
"We don't have time for this, everyone get to you lions! And Lance, your coming with me, ok?" I nodded. I'm so useless, I couldn't follow a simple plan... I'm just not meant to be a paladin...and it's not news flash anymore, but more of a growing pain in my chest to be aware of such thing...

Hey guys! I don't really like the way it turned out buts it's something right? Anyway! What happens next is all up to you.

1. You could have it the way it turned out in the episode.
2. You guys can suggest something!
3. You can have a mystery and only figure out what happens whenever the next chapter is!

Anyway! See ya later and I hoped you enjoyed reading this! Bye!

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