Contest Update!

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Hello, y'all! I have some updates on the contest!

The most important is that the due date has been extended an extra week so the new date is now:

OCTOBER 4, 2019, 11:59 PM EST

I saw that many of you guys have exams and felt extremely bad for the bad timing so I hope this helped! I have only received a few entries so far and I hope that because I have extended to the date that more people will participate! It's ok if you don't of course! No one is forcing you!

Also! I am getting a drawing tablet soon, so the art request might be digital, depends on if I get a hang of it in time! Anyways! That should be it! Thank you so much to lose who have participated and to those who are now participating! If you have any questions, feel free to PM me on Wattpad or Insta (Phanny_Arts)! Thank you!


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