Chapter 7 ☾ wounded

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"Stop! Stop! Stop!" The man shouted

Anna wasn't planing on letting him go but something came over her, watching him plead for his life made her think of herself, when she was locked up and being experimented on, all those times she shouted at doctor Turgeon to stop has he poked needles in her for blood samples and bone marrow and all sorts of things. Anna let go of the man and got off of him. She took the blood from her shoulder and rubbed it on the cuffs on her ankles. She kicked her legs appart and they broke off. Anna stood up and looked over the man.

  "The guy, Langton, he said you were Hydra, what is Hydra?" Anna asked

The man was crying and was in pain and did not answer. Anna approached her hand to his face, he looked her firmly in the eyes and still didn't say anything.

  "Tell me!" She shouted

The man spat on Anna's shoes "Hail Hydra" He then said

Anna kicked his face and knocked him out. She looked at her shoulder, for a moment she forgot the pain. Anna bent down and ripped the man she had just knocked out's shirt. She took that piece of fabric and tied it around her shoulder. She took a gun and put it in hr back pocket and ten walked towards the front of the van. She opened the door to see if there was anything she can take. Anna opened up a glove compartment and found some more money, she took all that there was. She then saw a bag on the floor, she picked it up and opened it. There were files inside, she decided she would take a look at it later. She put the money inside and started looking around trying to figure out where she was. They were on a road in the woods, Anna decided to walk the other way the van was bringing her hopefully to find a town and building and a real road with other cars. Anna walked for a long while and saw a car coming towards her. She moved aside so it could pass, the people in it all stared at her when they passed by. Anna then started to walk again when she realized something, they were going to pass the van. Her heart started beating quickly, they were going to see the bodies and they were going to connect the dots. Anna started to run, she had to get out of here, she had to leave fast.

After a long time of walking, Anna finally found a road that wasn't inside the woods. She was able to see the city in the distance, she was much further then she was before. More cars were passing so Anna stuck her thumb out hoping someone would stop and this time, someone did. An old looking man in a pickup truck stopped.

  "Hey are you okay little girl?" Asked the man

  "Are you going to New York City?" Anna asked

  "Yes" He answered "come on in"

Anna opened the door and got inside the pickup truck. Before taking off the man took a look at the girl.

  "You seem to have gotten pretty injured, what happened to your shoulder?" He asked

  "It's complicated" Anna answered

  "And where are your parents?" He then asked

  "I lost them, in the woods, we went out camping and I can't find them" Anna lied

  "Want me to help you find them?" He said

  "No, I want to go home" She said firmly

  "Alright little lady, maybe we should stop by a hospital too" He then suggested

  "No, no hospital's" Anna said with a fear.

  "Okay then" The man started is truck up "the name's Toby by the way"

  "I'm Anna" she then replied.

The man named Toby seemed nice enough but Anna still felt a little uncomfortable being with a stranger in a car in a city she's never been in before. He turned on the radio and was singing to this old American song Anna didn't recognize. Something started to feel odd, the energy in Anna's body seemed to drain. She moved over the fabric a little to look at the shoulder and it seemed to be getting worse and it was still bleeding.

  "Hey, are you okay?" Toby asked

Anna nodded but Toby wasn't convinced "I'm taking you to a hospital"

  "No, please no, don't" Anna begged

  "Why?" He then asked

  "You just can't okay, its to dangerous" Anna explained

  "Alright, alright, I live right outside of the city, i'll get my wife to take a look at you, she's a nurse" Toby said

Anna didn't object. Toby made his way to his home. He helped Anna out of the car and brought her inside the house.

  "Toby, is that you?" Said a voice. A lady about as old as Toby walked inside the entrance. "Oh my who's this?"

  "I found her on the side of the road, you should take a look at her, she isn't well" Toby explained to his wife.

He brought Anna into a small bedroom. His wife went to get a first aide kit and came inside. "Lest take a look" she said and was about to remove the the fabric but Anna grabbed her and pushed her hand away.

  "I'm sorry but you can't" Anna said

  "Don't worry I know what I'm doing" the women smiled

Anna started to cry "you can't touch me"

  "Why not?" The women asked

  "Because if you do I'll kill you" Anna replied still crying.

The women took a step back. She wasn't sure to understand what she meant. "I'm not normal, i'm sick, I'm a killer"

  "Show me your shoulder" the women said

Anna looked up at her and moved the fabric revealing her neon blue blood. The lady looked from Anna's eye to her blood and seemed to connect the dots.

  "Tell me whats wrong, why your blood is blue" she said

Anna took a deep breath "it's radioactive, if you touch it you can die, my blood is the most dangerous part of me" she explained.

The women walked out of the room, she then came back in and put on two paires of gloves and a mask. "I'll be careful" she said. The women looked over Anna's shoulder and saw it was a bullet hole in her shoulder. The bad thing was it wasn't a clean shot, but the good this is that she was still able to see the bullet witch meant it wasn't going to be to hard to take it out. The women took a pair of long skinny pinchers and went inside the bullet hole. She get a hold of it and started pulling it out. Anna started to yell.

  "Stay still, stay still" the women repeated.

She pulled one last time and got the bullet out. Anna had tears in her eyes. The women told Anna to open her hand and she put the bullet and the pincers in her hand.

  "I shouldn't touche these, they have your blood on it" The women said. She then covered up the wound with a bandages, she knew she would need more then one. "My names Marguerite by the way"

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