Chapter 1 London

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"What?!" Theodore shushed me and apologized to my colleagues.

"Nakida, for the love of God, calm down."

"I'm sorry, I can't it's just so exciting! I'll finally be able to go to London!" I began to squirm in my seat. "So, when do I leave?" He sighs and stands up.

"In two days. We've already began packing your things." I stood up excitedly and shook Theo's hand. "Good luck. LAPD will miss you, Sonya." I smirked.

"They better." I leave quickly to my apartment and see some members of the LAPD putting my furniture in a moving truck. "Thanks guys, but I've got the rest." They all look up at me, nod and leave. My sister runs up to me, confused.

"What's going on?"

"I'm going to London! It's going to be so awesome! I'm pretty sure I already know who I'm working for too."

"Who?" I grin.

"New Scotland Yard." Her face also showed excitement. "I know right! I just can't wait." I gave her a big hug. "You're leaving tonight right?"

"Yeah. By the time I get back to Ikebukero it'll be noon." I nod.

"Well feel free to call me if you want to come by my flat." I say as I put on my best British accent. She smiled and went to the guest bedroom to, I assume, pack her things.

I roll up my sleeves and begin putting things in the truck.

~Time Skip~

I sighed in exhaustion and leaned up against the wall of my old bedroom. I had managed to move all of my furniture into the truck in a matter of six hours.

"Ugh! I'm all sweaty now!" My phone then gave off an alarming sound which I registered as my Supernatural ringtone for unknown calls. I answer it quickly and put on a faux British accent, just in case it's someone calling me about my position. "Nakida Sonya speaking."

"Ah, yes, Mr. Sonya. I've heard a lot about you and your work in the LAPD. I was calling to make sure they told you about your position here at Scotland Yard."

"Yes they have, Detective Inspector. I was notified this morning, and it's Dr. Sonya." I heard him hum in response. "I shall arrive in London in a few days, but I only have one concern."

"And what may that be?" I bit my lip.

"I wasn't quite sure if I would be able to afford a flat, you see, the one I currently have for right now has been quite costly and I was working another half time job while doing detective work, but I sadly have to put it aside for the time being. I'm terribly sorry if I'm just now starting to become a burden to you."

"Ah, no it's perfectly fine. I'll get someone on it right now." He then shouted but it was muffled. "Anderson! Go find an available flat for our new recruit!" Then there was a muffled,

"Why do I have to do it?!"

"Because I said so." I heard him sigh. "Anderson is looking right now. Hopefully he finds you one before you arrive."

"Thank you Detective." He chuckled.

"Just call me Lestrade." I smiled.

"Will do. I must go, but have a good day."

"You too Sonya." I hung up and let my arm drop to my side. A smile spread across my face and I just burst into laughter.

"I'm going to be working with Lestrade~!" I say in a sing songy voice and then I gasp in realization. I'll be working with Sherlock and John too! I just smile and then laugh a little more. Then my smile was wiped off my face. "I need to compose myself. I am 29 years old!" I took a deep breath in and exhaled slowly. "Alrighty! From now on, I will be stoic and unemotional." I nodded in approval and went to go write it down in my leather bound journal.

~Time Skip~ (I'm sorry there are a lot of these in this chapter)

I step off the plane into the LCA terminal and quickly head to security to grab my suitcase.

After I got my things my phone began ringing and I quickly answered it with my faux accent that will soon be my normal one. "Nakida Sonya speaking."

"Anderson found you a flat."

"Ah, Lestrade. Good because I've just gone past the LCA security. Just give me the address and I'll make my way over there."

"Alright, the address is 221c Baker Street. I assume you can memorize that." I hum in response and hail down a cab after going to the ATM to convert my dollars to pounds.

"221 Baker Street please." I tell the cabbie. "I'm heading over there now. I'll begin working after all of my things are here."

"Don't you think you should wait a little while before you start?" I could hear the concern grow.

"Lestrade, the one thing you should know about me is that I like being under pressure. It helps me work." I then hear him mumble something under his breath. "What was that?"

"I just said that you will get along just fine with your neighbors."

"I hope so."

"I must go now, I presume I will see you in a few days."

"That you will. Goodbye Lestrade." He said goodbye and hung up. I just looked out the window at the beautifully dreary sky. "I'm going to love it here."

~Time Skip~

I knocked on the door to 221 and surely enough, Mrs. Hudson opened the door. "Oh, hello dear, are you here for the flat?" I smile kindly and nod.

"Yes ma'am, I am."

"Oh, well come on in." I stepped inside and walked to 221c. "Would you like a cup of tea?"

"No thank you, ma'am. I try not to eat or drink anything after being on a plane. It upsets my stomach." She smiles softly.

"Okay, I understand. Just wait here a moment so I can get the key." I nod and wait patiently. As soon as she comes back, she hands me the key. "Please try not to lose it, it's the only one I have." I smile.

"I'll try not to ma'am." She laughed a little.

"Just call me Mrs. Hudson, dear." I nod and unlock the door. "I could never get anyone to rent this flat, because it's really damp. I guess that's just the curse of basements." I start to walk down the stairs to the formal room and saw a fireplace and a single small window.

"It's fine for me, but one question. Am I allowed to fix the floor and wallpaper?"

"Of course dear, just make sure not to shoot my walls." I raise my eyebrow and then laugh a little.

"I assure you, I never carry a gun around the house." She laughed.

"Oh alright. Would you like to meet your neighbors? They are quite the party." I smile and turn to her.

"Sadly, I must decline. I have far too much work to do. I'm sure I'll meet them quite soon." She just nodded and started going up the stairs.

"Well, if you need anything, just give me a holler, Mr."

"Dr. Sonya. Doctor Nakida Sonya."

Omg I've been wanting to type this up for forever! I freaking love Sherlock and I though this would be a good contribution to the fandom. Well anyway I hope you guys like it and yep! Chapter 2 coming soon!

Edit (August 11 2017): I've changed Nakida's back story a bit, so... Yeah.

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