Chapter 8 Odd Dreams

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I was silent as Mycroft explained the situation to Aiden to the best of his ability and I didn't notice I started crying until my chest started hurting. I leaned up against the chair next to the door and tried to compose myself, failing miserably. Hot tears streamed down my face and my breathing became unsteady.

"Oh my god. Nakida, are you okay?!" Aiden frantically started to see if I was okay.

"I'm fine. Just go out to the car and wait for me. There is one part of this conversation that needs to be just between Mycroft and myself."

"But-" I was quick to interrupt.

"Aiden, go." He didn't argue anymore and went straight to the car. "Mycroft, there is something wrong with him... I don't know what it is, but it needs to be fixed."

"I'm afraid that you can't fix him. That is what he is and no one can change that." I slam my hand on the wall.

"I don't like my emotions being played with! It's happened to me too many times in the past and that is the exact reason why I am the way I am right now! To forget the past and what I did!" I wiped away the tears angrily and sat down in the chair in front of his desk. "Of course I can't forget the past. I never will be able to..." I breathed in deeply and leaned back.

"No one can erase the past." It was silent for a while.

"Mycroft, can you do something for me?"

"Anything." I sighed and looked him straight in the eyes.

"I need you to forge my medical records. All of them, including my birth certificate." A look of shock passed over his face and then confusion.

"You know that is illegal. Why are you asking me to d-" I cut him off.

"Because you are the CIA, British Government and whatever else. You're the only one to make it look real." He was silent and I stood up. "Sherlock will be looking for the records because of what I told him. Please do it quickly." I walk out to the car and get in. "Baker's Street please." I lean back in my seat and ignore Aiden's worries.

~Time Skip~

I stepped into my flat and lied down on the couch. "You can take the bed." He looked exhausted.

"Why?" I sit up and frown.

"You really think I'd let my pregnant sister sleep on the couch? No way in hell. Now get some rest. We can go to the hospital and check up on her tomorrow." He shook his head.

"Why is he doing that? Using you. Why didn't you tell me sooner?!" I sighed.

"Because he is Sherlock Holmes and because he did it after I told him a lie yesterday. I wouldn't have been able to tell you."

"What lie?" I smile sadly and lean back.

"You know what lie. You've watched the video, haven't you?"

"Yes, I have. Why did you lie to him though?" I grimaced.

"People don't treat people like me the same once they know..." I roll over. "Enough questions. Go to bed."


"You're exhausted. Go. To. Bed." I heard him sigh and go upstairs. "Good." I closed my eyes and fell to sleep almost immediately.

Dream World

~No one's POV~

Snow began to fall on the large battlefield. The war has just yet to start, but Nakida's nerves were almost shot. His hands shook with fear as the enemies approached. Everyone waited for the King's orders and he was just so close to falling apart.

His sword dropped from his hands and landed with a loud clang. He just stood there terrified and the feeling of loneliness swept over him like a giant wave. Tears streamed down making clean marks on his ash covered skin.

"Nakida! Pull yourself together!" He looked over to his right to see his dear friend, Sherlock standing next to him. "I don't want you to get killed." He nodded in understanding and picked up the sword, slightly less afraid now that he knows his friend will be right beside him.

"Thank you, Sherlock."

"Archers at the ready!" The King's booming voice startled the small man. "Aim!" There was a short pause. "Fire!" A thousand arrows flew into the air, soaring towards the enemies. "Attack!" Time seemed to slow for Nakida as everyone rushed forward to battle the enemy. Clanging and screams could be heard and for only a second, Nakida thought about fleeing. He shook his head and swiftly moved into battle.

For what seemed like hours of fighting, the enemy began to retreat. Nakida let out a small sound of relief, but it was short lived as a sword pierced his chest. His eyes widened and just stared at his attacker. The man had the prettiest eyes. They were brown, like the bark of an elm, but hatred filled them. The sword was pulled from his chest and he fell to the ground.

The man ran away as soon as Sherlock arrived. "Nakida!" He knelt down beside his dying friend and tried to comfort him. "It's going to be alright! We can get you to Watson as long as you promise me to stay alive! He'll help, okay!" Nakida just began to cough up blood.

"Sherlock, I'm... Not going to make it... Go... Before you get hurt..." At this point, Sherlock began crying.

"I'm not leaving you! Stay with me, please!" He looked around frantically trying to find anyone to help him. "Someone! Help me please!" Nakida touched his arm lightly.

"Stop..." He smiled and Sherlock just tried to hold back a sob.

"Watson will help... I know he will..."

"Goodbye, William..." With that, he let out his final breath.

Real time

"Sherlock!" I jolted up and breathed heavily. My clothes were drenched in sweat and my whole body ached, probably from sleeping on the couch.

I sighed and rubbed my face, trying to get rid of the dream. It was just so bizarre.

"Good morning to you too." I turned my head a bit too quickly to the sound of the voice and hissed in pain. Aiden was sitting in the chair in front of the couch, drinking what I assume was coffee, and scrolling through his phone.

I rubbed the back of my neck and sighed again. "Weird dream."

"That involved Sherlock?" I roll my eyes.

"Well, yeah, considering I just woke up screaming his name."

"What was it about? The dream I mean."

"We were in a war during the Medieval times. I died." I frown, remembering the last part of the dream. "But, he was crying and telling me that John could help me, that I'll be okay. He cared." I swung my legs over so I was in a sitting position and leaned back.

"A guy named Lestrade called you. He was wondering where you were." My eyes widened.

"Wait, what time is it?" He sipped some of his coffee before answering.

"12:34 pm."

"What?! Why didn't you wake me up?!" He shrugged.

"I didn't think it was important." I gave him a shocked look.

"I work for Lestrade! Dammit Aiden!"

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