Chapter 3 Sherlock Doesn't Love

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Nakida's POV

I was suddenly awoken by my loud alarm and I immediately turned it off, groaning. Time for day two of work. I got up slowly and nearly fell over. I quickly caught myself on my nightstand and frowned. Black and white dots clouded my vision.

"How'd I get back?" I pick up my phone and called Lestrade. It rang a few times before he answered. "Hey, Lestrade. I'm at my flat and I don't remember getting here. Do you have any idea of what happened?"

"Sherlock took you back after noticing you nearly passing out. I told you, you should take at least a week and a half off. I don't want to see your face at Scotland Yard until you are fully rested and over your jet lag. Do you understand?"


"Do you understand?" I frown.

"Yes sir."

"Good. Have a good day and rest up." He hung up and I let my arm drop to my side. I bite my lip thinking of what I could do today. I could get some more turtlenecks. I walk to my bathroom and look in the mirror. My eyes widen at how long my hair is.

"Oh hell, no. This is not okay." I find my hair scissors and start to cut it short again.

After I finished, I ruffled my hair to make sure any loose strands got out and I cleaned up the mess. I then began to pace my kitchen and the best idea popped into my head. "Mrs. Hudson! Is there any homeless shelters nearby?" I heard shuffling and my front door opened.

"Well, I think there is one just on the outskirts of London, but I'm not too sure."

"Great!" She looked at me like I had gone insane and I just grinned like an idiot. "I have the overwhelming urge to cook for lots of people!"

"You aren't supposed to be going anywhere, dear." I frown.

"What?" She clasped her hands together and looked at me apologetically.

"Sherlock told me to keep you in your flat so you can rest." I made a pouty face and sat on the ground like a child. "I'm sorry, but even John said you need to rest." I threw my hands in the air and sighed irritably.

"They can't keep me here forever!"

"It's for your health, dear." I stand up and to go to talk to Sherlock, but stopped when I opened the door just to see Sherlock standing there. I frown and cross my arms.

"Hey jerk. When am I allowed to leave?" He smirked and leaned up against the door frame. "Answer me!"

"That's not for me to decide." I bite my lip in frustration.

"Then who does decide?"

"John." I roll my eyes and lean up against the wall.

"Great... I need work. I can't just sit here and rot..." Sherlock laughed.

"You're not going to rot away by just sitting in your flat."

"Yes I am, Sherlock."

"You cut your hair." I raise an eyebrow.

"Okay. And?" He smiled again.

"I just thought it would be nice to point out."

"Why are you here?" His smile disappeared and he gave out a long sigh.

"Mycroft wants to speak with you." I roll my eyes.

"Really? Why can't he just phone me? I have a phone." I say as I pull it out from my back pocket.

"He would like to speak with you in person." I groan.

"He's one of the last people I would like to talk to." He raises an eyebrow. "And before you ask, no we've never met. My gut is telling me that this won't be good."

"Oh, that's right. I did see a black car outside earlier. I forgot to ask you about it Sherlock." I turned to Mrs. Hudson and smiled a little.

"Thank you Mrs. Hudson for that information." I push past Sherlock and head to the front door.

"You're forgetting your coat."

"I don't need it, Sherlock. I won't be gone long." I step outside and sure enough, I see a black car sitting in front of 221 Baker Street. I sigh and get in.

~Time Skip~

I step out of the car and walk towards Mycroft. "Hello, Mycroft."

"Claudia." I felt my eye twitch and anger build up inside of me.

"That's not my name." I say through clenched teeth.

"It is your birth name, is it not?" I just crossed my arms to avoid punching him.

"Nakida Sonya is my legal name and it's staying that way." He sighed and pointed his umbrella towards me.

"Anger issues. Anxiety. Depression." I sucked in a breath.

"How do you know?" He put the umbrella back down to his side.

"You got angry at me just now for something so trivial. You're swaying back and forth. You lightly make a face as if your in pain whenever you move your right arm."

"Simpler than your brother." He raised an eyebrow.

"So you know?" I shrug.

"The resemblance is quite obvious to an observant person." He smiles a little.

"I bet you and Sherlock get along." I frown.

"I'm not sure if you can call, removing me from a crime scene, getting along. He says he can't think when I'm in the room." Mycroft chuckles a little.

"Sherlock isn't keen on working with unfamiliar people."

"Oh, on top of that he deduced me wrong." This got his attention.


"The great Sherlock Holmes deduced a very stupid little boy." I say this with a bow. "Congratulations. You fell in love with someone as insignificant as myself."

"Why do you think he's in love with you?" I give him a dumbstruck look.

"Really? You really should pay attention to him a bit more." I point at him. "I know for a fact that Sherlock doesn't get flustered often, smiles at stupid little things, takes people home when they nearly pass out, and he definitely doesn't deduce people wrong. Think Mycroft Holmes! You're smarter than him and you couldn't figure that out!" I throw up my hands. "Hell! With you here I'm probably lowering the IQ of the whole damn building!" I sigh and cross my arms again.

"Stop putting yourself down." I bite my lip in frustration.

"Since when do you care? You've known me for what, five, ten minutes? No one cares that fast." He began to walk up to me, but I backed up and immediately stood like I was about to start fighting.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I promise." He began walking again and by the time he reached me, my breath became ragged. "We can add trust issues to that list." I frown and look up at him.

"That is for a reason only a handful of people know about." He nods and holds out his hand, palm facing up.

"Let me see your arm." I lift my left arm. "The other one." I reluctantly place my arm in his hand. He lifts up the sleeve and looks closer at the issue. "Fifty seven. Including scars." He looks up at me and his eyes were filled with concern. "You were clean for two years. Why did you start again?" I bite my lip and frown.

"They were getting married and I just felt weird being there. Like I didn't belong, so after throwing away my medication I started again." I look down. "That was about a year ago." He let go of my arm and pulled the sleeve down.

"Have you told anyone?"

"They never saw, so they never asked." I looked up at him. "Why am I here anyway?"

"That was the exact reason." I nod and turn to go back to the car, but stop.

"Don't tell anyone, please." With that I left and returned to Baker Street.

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