Chapter 4 That's Not My Name

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7 years ago

"This is the exact reason why I'm leaving! I can't and will never be what you want me to be!" I dragged my suitcase down the stairs.

"Claudia Diane! What the hell is wrong with you?! You're not allowed to leave this house!" My dad yelled at me and I just got in his face.

"I want to see you try! I'm 19 years old and I have an apartment in LA waiting for me. There is nothing you or she can do to stop me!" I go to the base of the stairs and yell up them. "Jasmine! You ready? The plane leaves in an hour!"

"You're taking Jasmine too?!" I turn around and grin in disgust.

"Believe it or not, Jasmine has somewhere she wants to go, and she won't get there any faster by staying with you!" Jasmine comes running down the stairs with her things and we go to the door. "Don't try to contact me in any form." I spin around to face them. "And my name is Nakida Sonya now."


I step out of the car and into 221c. I looked at my counter and saw that Mrs. Hudson had made some tea. I checked the pot and it was still warm. I poured myself a cup and went to grab my journal. I grab my pen and sit down on my couch to start writing. I only wrote one line.

Sentiment is a chemical defect found on the losing side.

I clutched the leather bound book and drank my tea silently.

~Time Skip~
Sherlock's POV

I went down to Nakida's flat to see if he had come back from the meeting with my brother. Sure enough I found the small man sitting on his sofa, asleep, clutching a leather bound book. I looked around the room and saw the tea cup sitting on the end table. It was cold, he must have been asleep for a while. I turn to him and take the book from him. It was very pretty with a turquoise as the base color and on the front it had gold tree branch design on the bottom left that reached to about the middle of the cover. There was a white ribbon marking a page. I lifted the ribbon to open the book and revealed a single message. It was something I had said to John when we were on a case and I find it funny how he knew about it.

"Sentiment is a chemical defect found on the losing side..." I frowned and looked at him. "What are you talking about Sonya?" I saw him slowly open his eyes.

"Sherlock, what are you...?" He took one look at the journal and snatched it out of my hands. "Don't. Touch. My. Journal." His face had shown anger and... Fear? I studied him more closely and saw that his heart rate had increased significantly. I only noticed this because of him quickening his breathing to catch up with all of the blood flow.

He fingered through the pages. "What did you read?" I just looked at him. "William Sherlock Scott Holmes! What the hell did you read?!" I was shocked. No one knew my full name, except John and I know for a fact he didn't put it in his blog. I cleared my throat.

"Only the last one." My voice was betraying me. It quivered like I was afraid and I found that my throat was very dry. "S-Sentiment is a chemical d-defect found on the losing side..." He looked up at me.

"Get out." I frowned.


"Get. Out." I just sigh and do as I'm told. Once I reached my flat, John was still there.

"Was he there?" I just nodded and picked up my violin. "Is he okay?" I nod again and start playing. It started out slow, but gradually got faster. "Are you okay?" I played one last note and placed both the bow and the violin itself onto my chair.

"Why does he have to be so different?!" John stood up, confused.

"Are you talking about Nakida?"

"Yes! He's different from everyone else. I can't quite place why." I ran my fingers through my hair. "It's hard to focus!"

"Oh my god." I turn to him and he just had a smirk on his face.

"What?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Sherlock, are you in love with him?" I frown.

"Love? John you know as well as I do, being in an intimate relationship is not my priority." He sighed and crossed his arms.

"Tell him Sherlock."

"I can't."

"Why not?" I sighed and sat on the couch.

"He kicked me out."

"What did you do this time?"


"It wasn't nothing if he kicked you out." I sigh again in defeat.

"I looked at his journal."

"Sherlock! That's private information!"

"I couldn't help it! He's still so confusing and mysterious." I gasp in surprise. "Secretive." I quickly run down to Nakida's flat and furiously knock on the door. "Nakida! I need to talk to you!"

"Go away Sherlock!"

"Please!" I heard footsteps behind me and I turn around just to see John standing there.

"I said go away!" He pushed me aside and knocked on the door. "Knocking any softer isn't going to change my mind!"

"It's John. I sent Sherlock upstairs." He motioned for me to go back to the flat. I just frowned and did as I was told.

John's POV

Nakida opened the door only seconds after Sherlock went upstairs and pulled me in.

"Did he tell you?"

"Tell me what?" He sighed in relief and leaned up against the wall.

"Good. He went snooping into my business when I fell asleep."

"He told me that." He rolls his eyes and puts his head in his hands.

"I'm just glad he didn't read anything else. It would have been, detrimental to my future and my work position." I raised an eyebrow.

"Did you do anything that I should know about?" He chuckled and looked up at me.

"It's not like I killed someone John. Why would I do that?" He frowns and taps his chin. "Actually, I would kill someone I they angered me enough." He shrugged. "But never mind that. Would you like some tea or coffee, whichever?" I shook my head and he lead me to the living room.

"Why did you kick Sherlock out?" He turned around and smiled, but it wasn't a nice smile.

"You wouldn't want the only Consulting Detective in the world to be dead, now would you?"

ONLY HUMAN Book 1 ✅Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang