Chapter 5 Lonelier than Ever

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Months Later

"Hey, Sonya!" I spin around to face Lestrade.

"What is it?" He finally catches up with me and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Good job today. I think you'll be a famous detective one day." I blush a little.

"Lestrade, you and I both know I'm not that good." He smiles a little.

"Nonsense! You're better than me and soon, you just might take my place." I smile and nod.

"Actually, that doesn't sound half bad. I don't have family in America, so it'll be nice to live here for the rest of my life."

"That's great! Well I'll let you go. Have a good day." He waves and starts to walk off.

"You too, sir." I smile widely and hop onto my motorcycle. "I'm on a roll today!" I put of my helmet and head to Baker's Street. As I'm making my way back to my flat, I get a call from my sister and I press the answer button on my Bluetooth earpiece. "Nakida Sonya."

"Hey, I know this is last minute, but is Aiden allowed to come?"

"What kind of question is that?! Of course he can. Hell would freeze over if I didn't invite him too. How are the boys doing?"

"Probably fighting each other. I keep feeling sick, like they're purposefully trying to make me throw up my lunch." I laugh and stopped at a red light.

"Just like how we were. I hope you'll be alright on the plane." I heard shuffling and then Aiden saying something.

"I'm pretty sure I'll be fine. Aiden wants to talk to you."

"Oh, okay." She handed over the phone and I continued driving. "How've you been doing?" I heard him laugh.

"Jesus, your voice is deeper than I remember and I've been doing fine."

"That's good. Jas has told me all about Dante and Vergil. Apparently they're just like us, fighting all the time."

"Yeah, little trouble makers. Oh, one question, why are you speaking like that?"

"Like what?"

"Your accent. It's British now." I smiled.

"I know a certain someone who might be listening in on my conversations, so I like to stick to not using my real accent."

"What do you mean by, a certain someone?"

"Put me on speaker."

"Um, okay." I waited a few seconds. "Okay, your good."

"So, his name is kinda secret, but I can tell you it starts with a M." I heard Jasmine gasp. "Don't say it Jasmine. I'll tell you, Aiden, when you get here."

"Which is in a few hours."

"Yeup. Now hurry up and get on the plane! I'm getting nervous."

"Haha. Okay sis. See you later."

"Bye guys." They hung up just as I got to Baker's Street. I took my helmet off and walked to the door. Before I could even get in, Sherlock is running out the door, nearly running into me. "What the hell?"

"Sorry, I can't talk now!" He then just runs off. I frown in confusion and head to my flat.

"Good afternoon dear. Did Sherlock run out again?"

"I'm afraid so, Mrs.Hudson. What is he doing this time?"

"He 'needs' a cigarette." I looked up at John, who was coming down the stairs.

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