Chapter 12 Part 1

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Rapidly Sherlock reaches through the open window of the car with his free hand and presses down on the Talk button. Instantly the officer behind the us doubles over in pain and grabs at his earpiece when a high-pitched squeal of feedback rips through it. Sherlock then reaches behind me and pulls my pistol free, and instantly raises it. John gasps in surprise at the rapid turn of events and I just try to hold back a laugh.

"Ladies and gentlemen, will you all please get on your knees?" Nearby, Greg's whole body language says, 'Oh, FFS ...' When nobody reacts very quickly, Sherlock raises the gun skywards and fires it twice. "NOW would be good!"

"Do as he says!" I just play along and get to my knees, winking at Sher to tell him that I'm ready. They start to back away.

"Just-just so you're aware, the gun is his idea. I'm just a... you know..." Sherlock transfers the pistol to his right hand and promptly aims it at John's head.  

"My hostage!" 

"Hostage! Yes, that works – that works!" They continue backing away from the kneeling police and begin to go around the corner. He turns and begins to race off down the road, dragging John with him. Back at the police cars, Greg buries his head in his hands. The Chief Superintendent gets to his feet and turns to him.

"Get after him, Lestrade!" I stand up quickly and face the Chief.

"I've got it!" I sprint after them and grin, my escape (and their rescue) in full swing. I catch up with them when they swerve to the left, dropping the gun in the process.

"The gun!" I heard John shout I smile and pick it up and follow close behind.

"Leave it!" He shoves John down a side alley as the police car races straight across the junction. They run down the alleyway and reach high railings blocking their way. Sherlock, with his customary flair, leaps up onto the top of a dustbin and vaults straight over the top of the railings. John, being an adorable short-arse and also not as close to the dustbin, is left behind; his right hand is dragged upwards and his face almost smashes against the railings as Sherlock drops to the other side. I laugh and run up to them.

"Sherlock, wait!" He reaches through the railings and pulls on Sher's coat. "We're going to need to coordinate."

"Well, duh. How else are you going to get over those bars?" John spun around to face me, quickly.

"Go to your right." Sher says.

"Huh?" He turns back to him.

"Go to your right." He looks upwards and goes up onto his tiptoes to get the chain of the cuffs over the top of one of the spikes at the top of the railings. I give him a lift and he clumsily makes his way over the bars. I soon jump on top of a bin and partially expertly, jump over. Not long afterwards, we're all on the same side of the railings and running down the alley again. Reaching a T-junction Sherlock turns to the right, then immediately brakes, taking my hand, and ducks back again as a sirening police car races past the end of the alley. The three of us lean side by side against the wall catching our breath for a moment. "Everybody wants to believe it – that's what makes it so clever." He looks at John. "A lie that's preferable to the truth." Looking away again, his voice becomes bitter. "All my brilliant deductions were just a sham. No-one feels inadequate – Sherlock Holmes is just an ordinary man."

"Bullshit. What about Mycroft? He could help us."  John grunts as Sherlock drags us across to the other side of the alley and peers down the left arm of the T-junction.

"A big family reconciliation? Now's not really the moment." He spins around, dragging John in a circle behind him and looking back the way we came.

ONLY HUMAN Book 1 ✅Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang