Chapter Four

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I smile brightly as Jesse makes his way towards me with his dog. He chuckles to himself and jogs over to me.
"Hey gorgeous." He says before bending down to kiss my cheek. I blush and grab his hand.
"Hi J." I whisper bashfully making him let out another chuckle. I play with his fingers and seat back and forth as my eyes slowly meet his.
"Why are you always so shy?" He chuckles and I shrug. His arm wraps around my waist and we slowly start to walk as his pit bull runs around the park. "How was your weekend baby?" He asks looking down at me." I snuggle closer to his body before replying.
"Good. I just got a lot of rest." I voice softly and he cups my hip in his hand.

"Me too, I was lazy all weekend. I ain't even wanna get up and make anything to eat." He laughs making me do also.
"Jesse I want to talk about us." I say as we stop at a bench.
"For sure baby." He says as he hold my hand while I take a seat. "Tell me what's up." He says, his hazel eyes showing me that I had all of his attention.
"I feel like I'm holding back on a lot." I admit and play with his hands. He licks his lips and moves closer to me.
"Royalty as long as I get to even call you mine I'm good." He says and I sigh.
"But J we aren't like normal couples-"
"And I'm okay with that. I don't want to be like everyone else. I definitely don't want you rushing into anything you're not ready for baby. Sex can wait, kissing can wait, you being comfortable with some or no clothes on around me can wait baby! I just need to know you're there with me mentally and emotionally and the physical attraction can wait as long as you need it too." He says and I bite my lip and look up at him.

"I love you." I say as my eyes begin to tear up. He chuckles and presses a kiss to my forehead.
"I love you." He replies and I enjoy the feel of his lips on my skin. His lips peck my nose and he gives me a goofy smile. "C'mon Rocky!" Jessie calls out before whistling. The large dog comes running and we stand from the bench. "You hungry or anything Ro?" He asks me and I hook my arm in his.
"I was a ice cream stand can we go there?" I ask and he nods.
"Lead the way beautiful." He says after he hooks a leash on the dog. We make our way across the park and shortly come up to the stand.
"How can I help you two?" A boy about our age asks.
"Let me get two vanilla cones." Jessie says and I rest my face in his armpit.

"Sprinkles?" He asks and we both shake our heads.
"No thank you." I voice softly and the guy nods and tells us our total. Jessie digs into his sweats pocket and pulls it his wallet. I stare off into the distance as J hands him a ten dollar bill.
"What're you thinking about ma?" He asks softly as his hand rubs my lower back.
"Nothing." I speak honestly. He looks down at me and licks his lips. We stare at each other as he brings his hand up and allows his thumb to smooth over my bottom lip.
"If something's bothering you tell me alright?" He says with his brows raised.
"Mhm..." I hum and he gives my side a light squeeze before the boy hands us our ice cream.


"Stop playing with me Tanya." I chuckle as I stop the car in the Taco Bell parking lot.
"I'm not V! I'm pregnant." She says and I drag my hand down my face.
"You better figure out who the daddy is cause I know it ain't me! I wrap my shit up every time and that's the truth!" I say and she huffs and sits back. She says nothing so I knew she knew that there was no chance that I was her child's father. "I told you if you wanted a relationship you was gone have to drop them niggas but obviously you didn't." I spot harshly and she punches my arm.
"Whatever V! You act like you ain't out here fucking every bitch you see fit for you!" She yells making me glare at her.
"Stop that yelling shit or you can dead walk home." I growl and she rolls her eyes.

"Shut the fuck up! Ain't shit ass nigga I swear!" She continues her yelling and I reach over her and push the car door open. I unbuckle her seat belt and push her from the car.
"I'll be a 'ain't shit ass nigga' from in here. Have your baby daddy come pick you up hoe!" I tell before pulling off. "Females man... they get on my fucking nerves!" I rant to myself as a call comes through the Bluetooth in the car. I press the button to answer it and sigh. "Hello?" I grumble as I cruise down the highway.
"Victor! Can you come get me and Jesse please?! There's been a shooting down at the carnival and we walked so I need you to pick us up." Royalty says making me furrow my brows.

"Who was shooting?" I ask and I hear a bit of rustling.
"You remember Gianni and his friends?" She asks and I clench my jaw.
"He's the one who popped off?" I ask and she mumbles a 'yes'. I shake my head and make my way to them. "Alright I'll be there in a few." I mumble before hanging up and speeding down the road.

"Y'all good?" I ask as they hop into the back seat of the car.
"Yes Victor." Royalty says softly as she straps her seat belt. I nod and begin to pull out of the parking lot.
"Is that him right there? It is!" I shout before abruptly stopping the car. Royalty reaches to stop me but I'm already out of the vehicle. "Aye nigga! You just going around shooting places up while my sister there?!" I yell and Gianni looks over at me. He chuckles and licks his lips.
"Fuck you and your sister man! You lucky I ain't kill the bitch!" He laughs and my face reddens from anger. I pull the pistol from my waist band and I hear the car door open.
"Victor stop!" Royalty yells but I'm not listening. I aim the gun at his forehead before quickly pulling the trigger. Ro screams and I quickly grab her and force her back into the car.
"What the fuck?!" Jessie yells with wide eyes as I slam the car door shut.
"Shut up! Don't say shit about this!" I grit before swerving out of the parking lot.
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