Chapter Eight

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"Listen Rose you weren't supposed to find out this way..." I say softly as I rub my temples. I hear her sob again making me sigh.
"I wasn't supposed to find out this way?! Ryan you should've told me from the beginning! I would've ignored you! I could be home with my family! I fell so in love with you that I left them behind!" She cries and I clench my jaw.
"I'm sorry niña... I love you..." I mumble and she laughs bitterly.
"Bullshit Ryan. If you loved me you would've told me you had three kids and a wife! I bet you don't even know she's expecting another baby..." She whispers the last part. "How do you treat your wife worse than you treat me Ryan? How can someone ever? She told me everything, the way you ignore her unless you want something, the way you walk around with her like she's some sort of property. Don't even get me started on your past..." She continues to talk.

"What do you mean she's expecting another?" I ask as I stare out at the muggy sky from the balcony.
"You're having another baby." She says and I furrow my brows.
"Why didn't she tell me this shit." I say more to myself than her.
"Probably because you made her get rid of the last one." She blurts making me fume with anger.
"She told you that?" I ask through clenches teeth.
"Yes Ryan, she did." She says and I end our call. I stomp back into my room and snatch my cigarettes from the side dresser. I pull one from the pack and quickly light it. Minutes later Zendaya enters the room with a suite case and starts loading it up. I take a long drag of my cigarette as I watch Daya shove more of her things into another suite case.
"So you really gonna just leave like that?" I ask before chuckling a little. She rolls her eyes at me and ignores my question. "Good. Fuck you. I was about to leave you for her anyway." I say as I sit back on the bed. She screams out and stomps over to me.
"Fuck you Ryan!" She yells before climbing on top of me and sending punches to my face. I grunt when she hits me in my mouth and eyes. "You're such an asshole! I wasted my whole life with you! Gave you three kids and you treat me like this?!" She cries and I pick her up by her waist and throw her to the floor. She quickly stands up making me do also. My nose leaks blood and I clench my fists to hold myself from putting my hands on her. "I hope she realizes real soon who you actually are. You've fucked us both over Ryan! You don't deserve me or her!" She cries and slaps me across the face. My nostrils flare in anger and I raise my fist and let it hit her face. She grunts as she stumbles a bit and stares at me with watery eyes. She comes back at me and before I know it we're both throwing hits at one another.

"Stop!" Someone screams as my hands are wrapped tightly around Zendaya's throat. I ignore the voice and raise my fist again and punch her. "Victor! Ayuda por favor! He's hurting mommy again!" I hear Maria scream.
"Why ain't you tell me you were pregnant bitch?! You know I don't want no more fucking kids! Not by you! I'll kill you and that fucking baby!" I scream before standing up. I raise my foot and stop on her stomach repeatedly.
"Victor!" Maria screams out in a ear piercing way.
"What Maria what?!" He says and I hear him running down the hallway.
"Ryan... stop..." Zendaya pants as I continue my assault. I kick her a few more times before spitting down on her. She moans out in pain and turns on her side.
"Momma!" Maria cries and attempts to run over to her mother. I grip her long ponytail and yank her back.
"Go in your fucking room." I growl at her. Tears stream down her face as she quickly nods and runs from the room once I release my grip on her.

My eyes travel over to Victor who stands wide eyed in the door way.
"Get out." I grit at him and he slowly nods before backing up. I stomp towards the door and slam it shut and lock it. "Get up!" I yell at Zendaya but she continues to lay still. I huff and walk over to her before gripping her arm and yanking her up. A weak moan falls from her busted lips as she tries to stand. I look down at her shaky legs and watch a crimson slowly trails down them. I chuckle to myself and force her to stand up straighter.
"Ow..." She whines when I grip her chin roughly.
"Go get in the shower." I grumble and let her go. She falls slightly, gripping the bed for support.
"Help me please..." She begs as she clenches tightly to the comforter. I laugh and sit down in the love seat that sat in the corner of our room.
"Hurry up." I chuckle and sit back in my seat.


I swallow the lump in my throat as I hold a sleeping Maria to my chest. My mothers faint whimpers could be heard as my father carried out his dirty deed on her body. My phone rings from beside me and I lazily reach over to grab it. I slide the bar across the screen and bring the phone to my ear.
"Hello?" I croak and run my hand over Maria's back.
"Victor... hey how are you?" Royalty's voice flows into my ear.
"I'm... I'm... good." I lie and I can almost see her frown.
"Victor..." She says softly and I let out a sob.
"He's a fucking monster..." I cry and hug Maria tighter. "I can't even explain what he did to her Royalty... what he's doing to her." I whisper and look up at the ceiling. "I didn't even help her!" I raise my voice getting angered at myself.

"Who did what Victor? You're not making any sense." She says softly and I sniffle.
"Dad... he beat mom... bad and hurt Maria." I say and she gasps.
"Oh my god... I'm sorry Victor... I wish I could've helped..." She says softly but I know in reality there was no way she was getting through to my father. She shared with me what he had done to her and I know he wouldn't hesitate to do worse if she had interfered with what he was doing.
"I don't want to all about it anymore... how're things going with you and Jessie?" I ask and look down at my baby sister.
"Good," I can tell she'd replaced her frown with a smile. "I think I'm in love with him..." She sighs. "I know I say I love him but I've never said I was in love with him... he's just so... perfect." She says breathlessly. I smile and play with Maria's curls.
"I'm happy he makes you feel that way. You're such a good girl Ro... you deserve someone like him." I say honestly.
"Thank you Victor... listen Jes is taking me out tonight so I have to go and get ready... I love you... call me in the morning please." She says and I nod as if she can see me.
"I love you, I will, goodnight." I say lightly.
"Goodnight Victor." She says before the call ends. I drop my phone beside me and close my eyes, attempting to get some rest.
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