Chapter Nineteen

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Ryan's arms snake around my waist as I stand under the hot water. His face snuggles into my neck and he lets out a sigh.
"You've been quiet." He mumbles before placing a kiss on my skin. I remain mute and continue to stare down at his tatted limbs.
"Can you let me be alone for a minute?" I ask softly and he hugs tighter against me.
"No. Let me hold you." He voices before letting his lips trail up the side of my neck. "You know how much I hate being away from you?" He asks as his hand slides down my stomach.
"Ryan... I'm on my period." I lie and his hand stops. He sighs deeply before pulling himself away from me.
"Finish cleaning yourself up and meet me downstairs so I can feed you." He grumbles before sliding the glass door open and stepping out. I shake my head at him before closing the door back. I watch his silhouette swipe a towel from the hook and wrap it around his waist. "You was running around them damn woods with blood leaking and shit?" He questions bluntly causing me to roll my eyes.

"It just started." I mutter and he chuckles.
"No it didn't. You just ain't want me in there with you. Lucky I don't feel like stepping back in." He voices before I hear the bathroom door open and he disappears into the room. The door shuts back and I release a sigh. Grabbing my cloth I coat it in soap once more before scrubbing my body. Once I'm finished I rinse myself and wash my hair before shutting the now cold water off. I wrap my towel around myself before disappearing into the bedroom. Quickly I dress in some sweatpants and a large t-shirt before making my way down the stairs. The smell of Spanish rice hits me causing my stomach to growl. I turn the corner into the kitchen and see Ryan filling up two bowls. Noticing me, he gives me a small smile before pulling out my chair.

Slowly I sit down and watch as he swipes a few shrimp on top of the food. I stare up at him through my lashes as he does so. I couldn't wait to get rid of this man.
"Why you staring so hard?" He chuckles and I drop my gaze from him before shrugging. He laughs to himself as he shakes his head and places the skillet back on the stove. I stare at the food as he seats himself across from me. "Eat baby." He says before digging into his meal. I slowly pick up my fork before digging it into the meal. I scoop some into my mouth before chewing slowly. Silence runs over us as we both focus on eating the food in front of us. His fingers tap on the table as a way to get my attention and I look over at him. "You know I love you right baby?" He asks and I look away from him. Ignoring his question I go back to eating the food. In a flash it's snatched from in front of me and he's holding a stern glare. "I know you heard me. You know I love you?" He questions again and I gently sit my fork down before standing from the table. I turn away from him and make my way back to the bedroom. I hear the crash of the glass bowls hit the floor and he stomps up behind me.

"You know better than to walk the fuck away from me!" He shouts, grabbing my arm and yanking me back to look at him. I wince and attempt to shrug out of his grip.
"That's not love Ryan." I whisper as I struggle to get away from him. His thick brows furrow and his grey eyes fuel with fury.
"Speak the fuck up! I can't heat you!" He shouts causing me to jump. My eyes begin to blind with tears and I go to shrug away from him again.
"Ryan this isn't love." I repeat louder and he loosens his grip on me. "What you put me through isn't love. It's control, I-I'm tired of you being in control of me. I wasted my whole life with you. Gave you my heart. That's love!" I cry and he lets me go.

"You don't think I love you?" He grits before grabbing my chin. "If I ain't love you I wouldn't have done all of that shit to make sure you stay!" He yells and I let tears stream down my cheeks.
"You're insane." I croak and he chuckles, his dimple poking into his cheek.
"We been knew this. Tell me you'll stay." He says moving closer to me. My back hits the wall and he leans down.
"No..." I cry and he clenches his jaw before placing his lips on my own.
"Please?" He begs as his hands grip my waist. "Stay with me baby..." He mumbles before pulling at my lips. "You know I need you..." His voice trails on as he places kisses along my jawline. "I'll change, focus on just us... we can have another baby..." He goes on as his kisses begin to attack my neck. His teeth sink into it and his before placing my hands on his chest. I push at it to let him back but he only presses firmly against. "You want another baby?" He asks before extending his tongue from his mouth to glide up my neck.
"No..." I whimper and he places his hands under my thighs. He lifts me effortlessly and wraps my legs around his waist. His hands place on each side of my head and he thrusts his hips into mine. His bulge rubs against my womanhood but for the first time, I wasn't aroused.

"We gone have another baby." He growls into my skin and I grip his shoulders. My eyes clench shut and I bite my bottom lip to conceal my whimpers.
"Ryan..." I whine as his hands begin to tug down my sweats.
"No panties? You can't tell me you don't want this." He chuckles before cupping my womanhood in his hand. I lean my head onto his shoulders and keep my eyes closed. Soon I hear his pants drop and he's probing at my entrance. There was no use in fighting him anymore. No matter how hard o tried he always gets what he wants. Controlling and obsessive is what he is. And I let the reality sink in to late. "Fuck..." He groans as he slips into my body. I claw at his shoulders due to the pain but of course he thought I enjoyed it. "We gone have another baby." He breathes into my ear as he pumps into me.


"I miss mommy." Maria says softly from beside me on the couch. I sigh and pull her into my lap.
"We all do but we don't know where she is." I say before pushing her long black hair from her face. Pouting, she lays her face in my neck and I slowly rock her back and forth.
"Here..." Tanya says, handing me a cup of orange juice. I thank her softly before bringing it to my lips and taking a sip.
"You want some Maria?" I ask and she shakes her head before her eyes flutter closed.
"Poor baby... you guys both look sleep deprived." She says before sitting next to me. She'd moved out of her moms house not to long ago and was doing good.
"Yeah... I don't wanna talk about it though. I'm tired of talking bout it. Let me hear about you. How's it going." I ask as I eye her belly.
"We're doing good." She says softly before rubbing her stomach. "He kicks a lot but it's cute." She laughs softly and I add in.
"Where's his dad?" I ask and she sighs before shrugging her shoulders.
"I told him about the baby and he's been missing since." She says before pushing her silky locks from her face. "I'm not worried about him. I'll be fine on my own." She says and I stare at her for a minute. Maria's soft snore catches my attention and I look down at her. "You can put her up in my bedroom if you'd like." Tanya suggests softly and I nod. I stand and follow behind her as she makes her way up the stairs. We turn into a large room and she lets me walk in. I place Maria's small body on the soft bed before turning around.

"What made you reach out to me?" She asks as we get back downstairs. I lean back and lick my lips.
"Honestly? I missed you." I say and she blushes.
"Stop." She says shaking her head and I grab her hand.
"I'm serious, you used to be the one I could come and talk to. I don't want a baby or another man to come between us. And look at you, looking fine as ever. You pull of anything." I say and she giggles before covering her face.
"Victor!" She blushes and I smile.
"Come here..." I say softly and she looks over at me. Slowly she climbs into my lap and I grip her waist. Gripping her chin in my hand, I pull her face down and hover my lips over hers. "Can I?" I ask and she nods before breathing a little unsteadily. My lips smother hers and we kiss softly. My hands cup her backside and I groan as her tongue finds its way into my mouth. "Can we start over?" I ask between kisses and he grips my face in her hand.
"Mhm..." She agrees as the kiss gets intense. After a moment we pull back breathing heavily. I stare up at her as she does down at me before my phone captures my attention. My number flashes across the screen and I quickly snatch it.
"Hello?" I answer, my heart beating a hundred miles an our.
"Victor..." Her voice was hushed and I furrow my brows.
"Ma?" I ask and she sobs a bit.
"He's going to kill us both! Send help please Victor!" She says and I tap Tanya's thigh as a way to tell her to get up. Before I can reply I hear her scream.
"Mom!" I yell as I struggle to put my shoes on. Loud rustling is heard before two gun shots go off. My heart hammers in my chest as I stare wide eyed at the door. Heavy breathing fills my ears before the line goes dead.
"Victor..." Tanya says, her voice worried and small.
"I think he killed her." I whisper as my hands begin to shake. "I gotta get over there. Watch Maria for me." I say before quickly opening the front door.
"Victor!" She shouts behind me but I'm already in my car and pulling out of the driveway.
☝🏽chap left.

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