Chapter Fourteen

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"Go ahead! Shoot!" Ryan's voice booms as I let tears stream down my face. "Kill me baby go 'head." He says, holding a stern glare. My hands shake and he chuckles. "That's what the fuck I thought. Give me the gun." He growls before reaching for it. I hit him across the face with the butt of it and he hisses in pain. "Fuck!" He cries out and I gasp.
"I'm sorry- I- wait! No!" I shake my head and climb off his lap. He holds his jaw as blood pours from between his lips.
"You know I like that rough shit." He chuckles making me scrunch my face up. I quickly throw my robe over myself while he's distracted.
"Get dressed." I demand, still pointing the gun at him.
"Nah I'm gonna stay-"
"Dammit Ryan get dressed!" I yell and shake the gun. His brows raise and a smirk forms across his lips.
"I like you like this..." He mumbles before standing to his feet. He pulls his briefs and pants back up before walking over to me slowly. "Put the gun down." He chuckles and I shake my head.

He grabs my hand and pushes the gun up to his chest.
"Then shoot me. Stop being scary." He says, his eyes glaring into my own. "Pull the trigger!" He shouts making me jump. I hiccup through my tears as I slowly lower the weapon.
"I can't." I cry and he nods his head. He snatched the cold metal from my hands before throwing it back on the bed.
"Who the fuck you thought you was?" He growls as he steps closer to me. I drop my head and place my hands on his chest. I gently push him back but he pushes up against me again.
"Ryan..." I cry softly and he roughly lifts my face by my chin.
"You ain't like me baby. I don't want you to be. I came here with intentions of hurting you but after seeing you for the first time in a while I realized how much I actually miss and need you." He says before leaning down. His lips press against mine and he kisses me softly.

"You're lying." I whisper and he shakes his head.
"I'm serious niña, I want you. Only you, and I know you want me." He says, a small twinkle in his eye.
"How do I know you're not going to hurt me again?" I ask and he lifts me by my waist. My legs wrap around him and he places his hands under my thighs to keep me up.
"I promise." He mumbles before licking his lips.
"You said that last time and look where we are now." I say as I turn my head away from him. His lips touch my neck and he squeezes me in his hold.
"Can you trust me?" He asks and I hesitate to answer. "You trust me baby?" He asks again, making me look in his eyes. I let out a shaky breath before nodding. "Tell me." He says, his eyes scanning over my face.
"I trust you." I whisper and he smiles showing his dimple and perfect teeth. "Wait... what about Rose?" I ask and he clenches his jaw.
"She went back the the U.K." He says and I squint my eyes at him.
"But she's pregnant with your-"
"She aborted it." He says cutting me off. I close my mouth and stare up at him. "Now... can we finish what we started please?" He asks before placing his lips on my neck. I bite my lip and let out a soft moan as my fingers tangle in his hair.
"Yes..." I finally agree and he smirks before leading us into the bathroom.



"She's not answering." Victor says before dropping his head into his hands. I sigh roughly and sit back against the couch. Jessie's leg jumps up and down and I can tell he was trying to contain his anger.
"He's not going to hurt her." I say to them. I knew my parents to well. My father would threaten her only to make her not leave or to get what he wanted.
"Crazy because he wouldn't think twice about killing me." Victor chuckles bitterly and I frown.
"I'm sorry Vic..." I say and he shakes his head.
"It ain't your fault our fathers an asshole." He mumbles before standing up from the couch.
"Should we go and make sure everything's alright?" Jessie asks asks and I nod my head.
"Yeah... that's probably what's best." I say with a sigh.
"We don't even know what room she's in." Vic says as he ruffles his hair.

"We'll ask whoever is at the front desk what room she's in." I say and he nods.
"Alright, let me go put my shit on and get Maria ready." He voices before walking away. Jessie pulls me close to him and cups my face.
"Relax." He says and I lean my face into his hand.
"I'm fine-"
"No you're not. But just relax for now alright. Your mom is smart and a strong woman. I doubt there's anything wrong with her. Continue to think on a positive note alright?" He says, his brows raising. I nod my head and sigh softly. He leans down and pecks my lips softly before walking away. He grasps his keys off of the hook that was by the door and holds his hand out to me. When I get close enough to him, I grasp his hand in my own before we head out the door. Jesse unlocks the car doors before pulling the passengers side open. I thank him quietly before slipping in. He shuts he door back gently before rounding the vehicle.

Once he's inside he starts the engine and we sit back as we wait for Maria and Victor. Jesse taps his fingers on the steering wheel as he stares out of the window. I watch his body language and I can tell he was tense. My hand pats his thigh and he looks over at me.
"It's your turn to relax baby..." I say softly and he gives me a small smile. He sits back in his seat before grabbing my hand in his own. He goes back to staring out the window as he occasionally kisses my knuckles. The back door to the car opens and my siblings slip inside.
"Royalty are we going to see mommy?" Maria asks and I glance back at her.
"Yeah..." I say softly and she nods as Victor straps her in. Once everyone is settled Jesse momentarily lets go of my hand to pull out of the driveway. Victor mumbles out the hotel she's staying at and Jesse nods before turning onto the highway.

The drive was short, about fifteen minutes, and we find ourselves pulling up to a rather expensive hotel. Jesse opens up my side and helps me out as the other two step out of the backseat. An uneasiness washes over us as we get inside of the building.
"Hello, we're looking for our mom. Can you tell us what room she's in?" I ask and the lady at the desk nods as she pulls something up on her computer.
"Last name?" She asks and I give it to her. "Okay I have a Kimberly, Payton, Zendaya-"
"Zendaya." I say and she nods.
"Room 45-B." She says and we thank her before walking away towards the elevator.
"I hope she's alright...." I say as I fiddle with my hands. Jesse pulls me closer to him before he kisses my hair. When we finally get in front of the door Victor knocks. Rustling is heard from behind it before all noise stops. As Victor goes to knock again the door pulls open revealing my mother.
"H-hey!" She stutters and I furrow my brows at her. A pink silk robe was wrapped around her and she barley had the door open.
"Can we come in?" Maria asks and before she can answer she's pushing inside. My eyes widen when I see my father sitting at the end of her bed, only the bed sheet tossed around him.
"You have a lot of explaining to do." Victor says and mom blushes deeply as she looks back at our father.

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