Chapter Ten

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I can feel my heart beat in my ears as continue to sprint down the dark street.
"You can't get far baby!" Ryan calls out behind me but I try my best to ignore his voice.
"Help me! Please!" I cry out but I'm sure no one can hear me. My voice was hoarse and broken making me sound as if I were just simply whispering. My bare feet pound against the ground, rocks sticking to them and sticks penetrating them, but I ignore the pain. My hear and lungs feel as if they wanted to explode but I wouldn't let my body give up on me. I turn down a dark alley and continue my get away. I step in dirty water making it splash all over my legs and thighs. I was wearing only a bra and a pair of panties but I could care less. As I reach the end of the alley two arms wrap tightly around my waist.
"Let me go! Please stop! Ryan please!" I cry out but he just chuckles. He throws my battered body to the ground before his plummets right on top of me.
"What did I tell you I was gone do if you run away from me again?" He growls and places the cold barrel of his gun against my skull.
"Please Ryan..." I beg and he shakes his head.
"I told you this would happened... I warned you." He says before I hear the click of his gun.
"Ryan please-!" A loud shot rings through the empty lot and my vision goes black.

My eyes shoot open and I frantically look around the room. I try to mine but arms tighten around my waist making me aware that Ryan was still holding me.
"Stop moving." He grumbles in my ear and I sigh softly.
"I have to pee." I whisper and he hides his face in my neck.
"Fine... lets go." He says before lazily rolling from the bed. He stretches his limbs and waits for me to get up. I stand from the bed and walk towards the bathroom. He's right behind me, shutting us inside the wash room. I walk over to the toilet and handle my business as Ryan begins to brush his teeth. "Where'd the kids go?" He asks as I make my way over to the sink.
"I don't know." I mumble and he looks at me through the mirror.
"Stop fucking lying," He spits the toothpaste from his mouth. "You do fucking know." He says and I roll my eyes as I yank my own tooth brush from the holder.
"I don't Ryan. I haven't talked to Victor since he left last week." I say and he scoffs.
"I knew that boy was gonna be a bitch. Ain't even help his damn mama..." He laughs and I glare at him.
"Shut up Ryan! It isn't his fault he's scared of you!" I defended my son and he laughs harder.

"You sound stupid." He says and I shake my head.
"I really can't wait to get away from you." I mumble and he comes to stand behind me.
"Lets see how far you get." He chuckles and kisses my cheek before walking towards the shower. He starts the water and begins to strip out of his pants. "C'mon." He says before disappearing behind the glass door. My mind races as I think.
"I have to grab us some towels, I washed them last night remember?" I ask and he peaks his head out.
"Oh shit, yeah. Hurry up." He says and I nod before exiting the bathroom. I work fast to pull my pre-packed suite case from under the bed and grab my phone. I lift the bed and grab a few wads of his hidden cash and quickly but quietly rush down the stairs. I yank a pair of car keys off of the hook and sprint out of the door. I see what car it is that I have the keys to and run over to it. After I get it opened I toss my case in the back and slam the door shut.

"Zendaya!" I hear his voice book from in the house. I hurriedly slide into the front seat and slam the door shut. The front door opens and he stands there soaking wet, a towel loosely hanging from his hip. He catches my eyes and I quickly start the car as he glares at me. I reverse and speed out of the driveway as I see him running down the steps. "I'll find you bitch!" He screams as I drive down the street. I quickly call Victor to see where he is.
"Mom?" His raspy voice says. I blink my eyes to hold back my tears before answering him.
"Yeah baby... where are you two?" I ask and he gives a hotel that was out of town. "Alright... I'll make it there as fast as I can... love you." I say and he sniffles.
"I love you to ma." He says before we hang up the phone.


"Ro..." Jess says as he enters the bathroom. I pull the mascara brush away from my eye and look at him through the mirror.
"Yes?" I ask and he grips my waist from behind.
"Your mom got away... she said she was trying to call you but you weren't answering so she called me. Her and your brother and sister are safe." He mumbles against my cheek before kissing it. I smile lightly and bite my bottom lip.
"Good... I was getting worried about her... she hadn't been calling me." I say and he turns me around so that I was facing him. His lips peck my nose and I close my eyes briefly.
"I'm happy they're all alright... your mom doesn't deserve to go through this." He says and I nod.
"I know... she's always put him before herself and now he's treating her like some sort of hoe or something." I say and he nods. "Promise me you'll never change Jessie..." I whisper as we stare at each other. He grips my waist tighter and places his forehead on mine.
"I promise..." He says softly and I grab his face in my hands. His Adams Apple bobs when he swallows. His eyes drop down to my lips then back up to lock with mine. When I don't object he slowly leans his head in further and pauses when his lips hover barley a centimeter over my own. "I can kiss you?" He asks breathily. I nod as my heart hammers in my chest. His eyes sparkle and he continues to lean down. Our lips touch and our eyes flutter closed. It starts off soft, his lips lightly pulling at mine. "Don't be afraid to kiss me back..." He chuckles against my parted lips. I blush and pull away from him.

"I don't know how to do this..." I say and put my head down. He lifts it back up by placing his fingers under my chin and steps closer to me.
"Just follow my lips..." He mumbles and flicks my bottom lip with his thumb. I nod my head and take a deep breath. He smiles and lets his lips smother mine once again. They do most of the work for a few seconds until I finally catch his drift. He chuckles through it and grips my waist tightly. He lifts me up and places my body in the sink before spreading my legs and stepping in between them. My lips tug his own and I reach my hand up to yank lightly at his hair.
"Jessie..." I moan lightly when I feel an unfamiliar clench between my legs. He groans and cups one of his hands behind my neck and pushes me deeper into the kiss. "Jess... Jessie..." I moan out louder when something hard presses against my center. His tongue snakes from in his mouth and slides into mine. He lets it explore for a moment until he pulls it back. His free hand slides up the back of my shirt and he works up unclasp my bra. Ito comes undone and he lets the strapless clothing slide off of me.
"Can I touch?" He asks, pulling back for a moment. I bite my bottom lip and nod as I stroke his cheeks. He pushes his lips back onto mine and his hands slide to he front of my shirt. I gasp when he grips both of my breasts in his strong hands. My panties moisten and my face heats up as he begins to slowly grind against me. "You like that?" He whispers in my ear once he's pulled away once again. I nod and let my eyes flutter shut.
"Yes Jessie..." I moan and he places kisses along my neck. I feel a deep rumble in the pit of my stomach and I hold onto him tightly.
"You're shaking baby." He chuckles and presses himself harder against me. My eyes roll back as my legs begin to tremble.
"F-fuck..." I gasp out when a wave of pleasure runs through me. I shake in his arms and he holds me against him tightly.
"Beautiful..." He mumbles against my cheek as I start to calm down. "You alright?" He asks and I nod as I hug him tightly.
"I'm fine..." I whisper as I lay my head against his chest. His hands stroke my back as my legs continue to tremble lightly.
"I love you." He whispers and I close my eyes.
"I love you." I whisper back and we stand there holding each other.
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