e i g h t e e n

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At Alex's words, his face fell. Shit. "UH, why don't we talk about something else, huh? Jefferson and Madison? Peggy and Maria?"

"Peggy and Maria?" Angelica echoed. Nobody seemed surprised about Jefferson and Madison. "Maria Lewis? Oh, yes, we are so not done with this conversation. But back to you two." She waggled her finger at Lafayette and Hercules.

Hercules swallowed, feeling his face burn.

Lafayette started chugging his drink and averting his eyes.

"Oooh," Theo giggled, "did something happen?"

He scooted farther away from Lafayette, which made him bump into Peggy.

"Something did happen, didn't it??? Oh, yes, share it with the world."

"Oh, no, I won't," Hercules muttered, face flushing red.

Lafayette looked concerned next to him. "Um, I, uH, we... Nous nous sommes embrassés, mais ça va, c'est ma faute, et je ne pense pas que Hercules m'aime bien..."

Both Alex and Jefferson screech at the same time; "Of course he does! And yay!"

Alex turned to Herc. "You like Lafayette right?"

Hercules blinked. "Um, what? I guess... if... what do you mean by...? I think... yeah..."

Lafayette screeched. "Excuse moi?"

"Um...." Hercules burned a dark shade of red. "I need to go."

"Yeah, me too," Lafayette said, and Alexander laughed. "Together? Oooh~"

Hercules' eyes widened. "Shut up," he muttered, slumping into his seat and staying there.

"So Herc, you like him?"

"Sure," Hercules muttered, feeling his face set on fire from all the blushing.

"And Laf, you like Herc?"

"I guess, mon ami..." Lafayette blinked rapidly.

"Great, so date," John piped up.

"No! Nope. Nada. Zip. Zero. Not happening. UH-uh. No." Hercules crossed his arms and then uncrossed them because he felt stupid doing that.

"...yo, Herc?" came a whisper—a very French whisper—from the right of me.


"Wanna date?"

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