Chapter Two: Beginning Of The End

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A massive headache was what hit him first. The moment Mordecai had opened his eyes he was met with blinding light. It taken him a while for his eyes to adjust to the direct light and surrounding darkness to realize he was on a metal operating table. He slowly sat up and winced at the dull throbbing of pain on the back of his head. The table squeaked beneath him as he shifted. His eyes immediately landed on a rusty metal door just across from where he sat. Although he wanted to bust through the door and find a way out, he decided against it. He'd seen enough horror movies to know he wasn't there alone. He also knew he had no idea where he was so even if he did get out, he didn't know how to get back home. Another option edged its way into his mind as he gazed at the desk in the far corner of the room. A scalpel and several other operating tools lay strewn about across its scratched wooden surface. Quickly, Mordecai got up and picked up the scalpel then hid it up his shirt's long sleeve. Upon closer inspection of the door he found it was locked from the outside so his earlier idea wouldn't have worked anyway.
The sound of footsteps caused Mordecai to back away and return to the table. Several clicks from the other side told him that there were multiple locks. The heavy door screeched in protest as it was pushed open and Mordecai held back his urge to attack the force pushing the door and remained still. A tall man with a mask over the lower half of his face stepped in, shoving the door shut behind him. His crimson eyes locked on Mordecai's slightly shaking form as he stopped. His intense stare caused a cringe to overtake Mordecai as he silently waited for some sort of explanation as to where he was and why he was here. The man turned to the desk and picked up a worn out looking notebook. Mordecai kept his eyes on the man as he flipped though the pages and wrote things down. He tossed it back down and Mordecai took notice that the man's eyes lingered on the tools before he turned towards where he sat. At a slow and steady pace, the man approached him. Mordecai tensed, ready to attack and try to run. He might not know where to go, but he could sure as hell hide until he found his way out. The scalpel up his sleeve cut him slightly as he shifted away from the man. He stopped walking just three feet away from Mordecai and his red orbs went to his wrists. Before Mordecai could even blink, the man had ahold of his arm and the sharp object in his grasp. In an attempt to free himself, Mordecai tried to kick him away. He only watched the other's futile attempts with an unamused expression.

After Mordecai had tired myself out, the red eyed man spoke. "Finished? It's about time." He stated, a bit of a British accent lacing his words. "Where...where am I?" Mordecai questioned as he moved away from him. "Who are you?"
His questions went unanswered while the man put the scalpel back and turned to face the other. Mordecai felt sudden rage set in at his silence and he yelled. "Tell me where the hell I am! Who the fuck are you and why am I here!?" He asked furiously as he held back a sob. An annoyed sigh sounded from the man and he rolled his eyes. "Stop being so dramatic." He said casually as if this was normal for him and watched the other eye him with an expression of irritation, impatience, and shock. "You're in my operating room and I'm Dr. Smiley." He stated with a wave of his hand before picking up another book and flipping through it. "Let's see...Mordecai Vance. You were brought here because you were chosen to be given a chance at a new life. Although, from what I've seen so far..." He paused and looked at the other. "I'm not impressed." Dr. Smiley said as Mordecai processed his words. "Now, if you're cooperative, this won't hurt too much and will be easier for both of us." He added and Mordecai looked at him in confusion. "What are you talking about?" He asked as he watched the doctor pull on a pair of white latex gloves and grab something from one of the desk drawers that Mordecai couldn't see. Only when he turned did it become obvious the object he now held was a syringe filled with blue substance. Mordecai's eyes widened at the sight of the needle and he backed away. "What is that?" He questioned and watched Smiley flick the needle to bring the air bubbles to the top before pushing them out. "Don't worry about it. Just don't struggle and you'll be fine." He said and approached Mordecai. He shook his head and continued to back away from the taller man. Annoyance was obvious in Smiley's expression as he quickly became impatient and lunged at Mordecai.

The floor was the first thing that hit him, second was the realization that the needle was in his neck and Smiley was laughing. Once again he felt darkness creep up on him, but something about it was different. Mordecai could feel his heart slowing and it was becoming hard to breath. He realized too late what was actually happening to him before his vision was gone...along with his pulse.

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