Chapter Eleven: Feelings

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"Ben?" Lucianna called as she knocked on said boy's door. Ben hadn't come out of his room since last night, after E.J. and Masky had come back to the mansion. She couldn't help but feel concerned for him. After knocking for the fourth time and getting no reply, she opened the door. Inside the dark room was quiet and the only sound was the gentle blowing of the wind from the open window. She rushed over and looked outside into the moonlit forest. Slight anger hit her and she turned to go find Slenderman. As she did, a small crunch sound came from under her heels. Lucianna looked down to see a piece of paper with writing scrawled across it in green ink.

"I went to Smiley's. Be back in a bit."

She read and frowned. It soon turned to a scowl as she crumpled the paper and tossed it to the floor before climbing out the window and taking off in the lab's direction.

Her heels softly hit the gravel path in front of the labs door and she walked forward. The door opened with a strained squeak as she entered and closed just the same. Clicks of her shoes sounded in the dark hallway until she came to a halt in front of Smiley's main operating room, where she could hear Ben and the doctor speaking. Slightly opening the door, she watched the two talk while looking over Plague's seemingly sleeping or still unconscious form. "I don't really know what caused it." Smiley stated with a thoughtful expression. "I heard E.J. say it might have been the whole gorging deal. Isn't that what you said?" Ben questioned and Smiley seemed to give up thinking. "It was what I thought before I looked at him closer." The doctor said and a short silence settled while Lucianna glared at the attention Plague was receiving from Ben. "What do you think it is now?" He asked with a look of wonder. "I think he's being influenced." Smiley stated with a worried expression and turned to look at the mess of notes on his desk. "Influenced? What exactly do you mean?" The blonde asked and looked down at the sleeping figure on the table. Smiley picked up a few papers and sighed. "I mean he's being affected by someone, or something. I don't know how they're doing it, but they are the cause behind the mutations." The doctor said and put the papers into one of the desk drawers before continuing. "And I think I might have an idea who it is." He finished with a grim tone. Ben only looked at him in confusion, waiting for him to speak. However, before he could, the sound of the door squeaking stopped him. Lucianna cursed herself and walked in. "Hello." She smiled nervously as the doctor crossed his arms. "Eavesdropping?" He asked and she sighed. "Sorry." She stated and saw Ben return his gaze to Plague. She felt rage at his lack of attention towards her. "So, is he alright?" She asked and Smiley rose a brow at her. "Why do you want to know? I thought you didn't care, as you've stated before." Smiley said and Lucianna tapped her foot against the tiled floor in pure annoyance. She didn't care about bird-boy, she just wanted to make herself look good in front of her crush. She huffed quietly before joining Ben. "Why are you here?" He asked tiredly and yawned. "I came to see if you were alright." She said and he nodded. "You saw my note then. I just came to make sure he was alright. E.J. told me some weird stuff happened to him." Ben said, not taking his eyes off the male on the operating table. "Would you like to walk back to the mansion with me? There's something I want to talk to you about, if it's alright." Lucianna said and waited for a response. "I guess so." Ben shrugged and lingered there by Plague for a bit before walking to the door with Lucianna. "I'll come back tomorrow, bye." He said and waved to Smiley, the doctor doing the same in return.

The walk was quiet until Ben spoke up. "Didn't you say you had something to talk to me about?" He asked and glanced at Lucianna. "Uh...yeah." She said and sighed. Ben only waited for her to speak as they walked. "I was thinking yesterday and something crossed my mind." She began and looked over at the blonde to see his eyes were on her. "There's someone I really like, and I've been wanting to tell them how I feel for a while now. I thought of ways to confess, but nothing seemed right to me." She paused and took a deep breath. A small blush had found it's way into her face as she glanced at Ben's thoughtful expression. "Why don't you just tell them? It doesn't have to be something big or fancy." He said and Lucianna nodded. "That's a good idea." She smiled and glanced down at the path before stopping. Ben looked at her in confusion and stopped walking beside her. He watched her sigh before she spoke again.

"Ben, I love you."

She said with confidence and he felt his eyes widen. He must've been quiet for too long because the saddened look on her face told him just that. "Lucianna-" He started, but she cut him off. "Just...forget I said anything." She said and turned away from him, sounding as though she was on the verge of tears. "I didn't say anything yet. I'm just a little surprised." He said and Lucianna faced him. "I'll...Just give me some time to think about it." He stated and she nodded.
Neither said anything for the remainder of the walk until they stopped outside the mansion's door. "Um...I'll talk to you tomorrow?" Lucianna asked and Ben nodded before heading inside. A smile crossed her lips as she took off into the sky. Ben, however, was different. He ignored everyone as he walked up the stairs to his room. He shut the door behind him and closed the window before sitting on his bed. He found his gaze locked on the dark colored bed across from him and sighed. Lucianna had just confessed her feelings to him and he had no idea what to do. He climbed under the covers and closed his eyes, trying to think of what he would say.

Soon, he fell asleep, but what he dreamt of wasn't an angel.

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