Chapter Eight: Sleeping Angel

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The next morning Ben awoke to the sound of shouting downstairs. He groaned then sat up slowly before stretching. One glance at Plague's empty bed reminded him of last night's events and he remembered him going into the woods. He decided not to think about it and got up.

He walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where the shouting was coming from. At the table was Jane arguing with another woman. Ben immediately turned to leave before she noticed him, but it was too late. "Hello, Ben." She said happily and he turned with a yawn, figuring he'd get some breakfast while he was there. "Hi Lucianna." He said mid-yawn and grabbed a box of cereal out of the cabinet. Lucianna smiled wider and looked over to the other raven haired female across the table. "So, who's the new guy?" She asked and Jane rolled her eyes. A blush crossed Ben's face at the mention of the masked male. "Plague. Don't bother talking to him though. He won't say anything back." Jane said while eyeing someone in the living room. "Where is he at?" Lucianna questioned, mostly directing it towards Ben. "He went to Smiley's last night." He stated and picked at his food with a spoon. "How would you know where he went last night?" Jane asked and looked at the blonde. "We share a room and I heard him leave." He said quickly in hopes of that being enough. "Well, how'd you know he went to Smiley's?" Lucianna questioned as Masky walked in, stopping to get some cheesecake. "Who went to Smiley's?" He asked and tilted his head in confusion. "Ben said Plague left last night and headed towards Smiley's." Jane said and Masky shook his head. "No he didn't. I was there talking to him late last night and nobody came by." He stated and Ben looked at him in confusion. "Then where did he go?" He questioned and Masky shrugged. "I can ask Slenderman if he knows but I haven't seen him." The brunette said and left the kitchen. "I'm gonna go circle the woods and see if I can find him. What's he look like?" Lucianna asked and Ben was about to answer before he shut his mouth. "He's dressed as a plague doctor with a white mask." Jane said and Lucianna thanked her then waved to Ben before leaving. Ben placed his dishes in the sink and went back upstairs to his room. He opened the door and entered before looking over at Plague's desk. He noticed a few of the journals were missing along with all the syringes. Ben yawned again and laid back down. It was six in the morning and he had nothing to do so he decided to go back to sleep for a while instead to worrying about Plague's whereabouts.

There was a tap on his window loud enough to wake him. He saw Lucianna outside and opened the window for her. "What is it?" He asked as she climbed into his shared room. "I saw Plague." She stated and sat down on the windowsill. "Where?" Ben rose a brow and glanced out the glass behind her to see the sky becoming gray. "He was dragging a body to Smiley's." She stated and took note of Ben's confused expression. "I don't know what he was doing but I thought I'd let you know where he was since you guys seem like friends and all." She said and climbed back outside. "I've gotta go scare the shit out of people, see you later." She smiled and stretched her wings before taking off into the sky. Ben left to find something to do with his time instead of staring out the window, wondering when Plague would come back. After what happened, Ben wanted to talk to him, but didn't feel like thinking about it constantly. He went to the living room and sat down on the couch next to Jeff, asking if he wanted to play a game with him, knowing he'd lose.

It was after midnight when Plague came back to the mansion. Outside the door was an angel statue with its hands covering its face. He took no interest in it until it moved. It changed into a woman with long black hair, golden eyes, and large black wings. She dusted off her black dress before looking at Plague. "Hi," She began and smiled. "I'm Lucianna Wilde." She said while he remained quiet. Lucianna remembered what Jane had said about him not talking so let it go. Plague walked past her and into the mansion. She watched him disappear up the stairs before flying up to Ben and his window. Plague went into the room's bathroom to change and came back out a minute later. He walked over to his bed and sat down, looking at Ben's sleeping form across the room. Lucianna felt possessiveness build up and looked at Plague angrily. The male climbed into  bed and turned to face the wall and fell asleep. The angel left and flew over the woods while thinking of Ben.

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