Chapter Five: Dangerous Encounter

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The dead leaves crunched beneath his feet as he continued to run through the endless forest. The feeling of being watched caused him to franticly look around before picking up his pace. It was beginning to drive him insane. Every tree he passed looked the same and his surroundings had become limited by the sudden fog. Mordecai came to a halt so he could catch his breath and try to calm himself. However, the second he stopped, he heard footsteps behind him stop a moment later. Quickly, he spun around to see the man from when he'd first been brought to the mansion who had stormed out angrily. They both stayed quiet, Mordecai cautiously watching him for any movements. They stayed that way for a while as the fog became increasingly difficult to see through. Only then did the hooded man begin to tilt his head up. Mordecai was startled to see piercing sky blue eyes and a carved smile greet him. The man stared back while taking in Mordecai's appearance. The sudden laugh emitted by the man earned a flinch from the other before he sprinted towards him. Mordecai began to run from the man who now wielded a large knife as he chased him. Quickly, Mordecai made a sharp turn to his left and around a large tree then started to run in the direction he thought he came from. The sound of other footsteps coming in his direction from in front of him sounded and he fought to see through the fog. Masky was the only one he recognised out of the three as they jumped the hooded man following close behind. Mordecai stopped and practically collapsed against a nearby tree to catch his breath. He watched the three fight with the man to get his knife. They were talking to him too, but Mordecai couldn't make out their words through the shouts of the man. The one in orange goggles and a striped jacket got the knife and threw it a safe distance away while Masky and another masked figure tried to calm the now thrashing man down. Mordecai stumbled away from the tree and started in the direction he was running in, away from the scene behind him.

He arrived at the mansion about half an hour later and dizzily walked in. He felt a huge headache overtake him to the point of not being able to hear anything as others spoke to him, asking what had happened. He was halfway across the living room before he passed out.

The sound of people mumbling woke him. His eyes struggled to adjust to the bright light he was met with. He could hear three people speaking, but when he could see, there where four in the room. Smiley, Masky, and the other two from the woods were standing off to the side as Mordecai sat up. He noticed he was back in Smiley's operating room. The doctor was next to him before he could blink with an eyebrow raised. The other three joined him seconds after. "Are you alright?" Masky questioned with concern lacing his voice. Mordecai was about to thank them for helping earlier before the headache from before hit him ten times worse. He gripped his head and yelled out, startling the others. Smiley looked at him strangely before sighing and moving to sit at his desk. "What's wrong with him?" The one with the goggles questioned over yells turned screeches. "Just give him a minute." The doctor waved him off and wrote something down in his notebook. Masky watched Mordecai dig his nails into his head for a few seconds before he abruptly fell silent. Everyone but Smiley looked at him with confused expressions. "Well, it's about time." Smiley mumbled and Masky looked in his direction. "About time for what?" He asked while the taller man made his way to where Mordecai sat. Smiley only gestured to Mordecai's slouching figure sat on the table before he lifted his head up. His eyes where still white with black, but the outside was now a deep red. He glanced at them then stood. They watched as he left without a word before turning to Smiley with questions.

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