Chapter Nine: Hunger

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When he woke up the next morning, Ben saw Plague was gone again. While still half asleep he got up and left the room. A small yawn left him as he reached the stairs. He tripped on his own feet and tried to catch himself. The cold, hard wooden surface of the floor was what he expected, but wasn't quite what he was met with. Instead he had landed on something that was slightly warm and...growling? Ben opened his eyes to find himself face down on Plague's stomach. The masked male looked completely irritated and this caused the blonde to awkwardly pick himself up. The moment Ben was off him, Plague was making his way towards the front door. He felt the need to apologize, but the other was gone before he could blink. The sudden laughter that sounded brought Ben's attention to the tall monochrome clown that sat in the living room and had witnessed what had happened. An embarrassed blush spread across his face while he dusted himself off and turned to the kitchen.

At the table was Jeff and Masky, eating their breakfast in silence. Ben sat down and Masky looked up from his cheesecake. "What happened to you?" He questioned, looking at his messier than usual hair and red face. "I tripped on the stairs-" "And fell on Plague! Ha!" Another voice chimed in from the living room. Ben sent the clown a glare before sighing. Masky tilted his head in thought before speaking. "Where does he keep going? I saw him walk out earlier and come back just a few minutes before I came in here, then he left again." He said and shoveled another piece of cheesecake into his mouth. "Lucianna said she saw him around Smiley's yesterday, dragging a body." Ben said and got up to grab something to eat. "Was he helping Smiley with something?" The masked male asked and Ben shrugged. "I have no idea. Why?" He returned to his seat with a bag of doritos. "Slenderman didn't sense him leave the woods around the mansion. Also, the person who wandered in yesterday to play the game went missing around midnight." The brunette stated and Ben rose a brow at him. "You think he killed them?" He asked while stuffing his face with chips. "He had to, nobody else was out besides him and Lucianna while Toby, Hoodie, and I where hanging up pages." He said as another male with a certain navy blue mask joined them. "Hey Jack." Masky greeted. Ben took notice of the full bag of kidneys the cannibal had with him. "Where'd you get all those?" He asked and Jack slipped his mask up to reveal his mouth before biting into one. "Smiley and Plague." He stated and took another bite. "Told you." Masky said and Ben shrugged. Jeff, who had been silent the whole time, got up and went to leave. "What's wrong with him?" Jack questioned and Masky spoke up. "Someone took his knife. I suspect Jane." He said and Jack nodded as the three finished up eating.

Masky had left the mansion and headed towards Smiley's lab out in the woods. He wanted to know what Plague was up to. The reason why he was so concerned was unknown to him but he just shrugged it off as a friendship thing. He came to a stop outside the lab entrance when he heard a strange groaning off to his right. Quietly, he made his way through the trees and came to a clearing. In the middle was Plague, sitting on the ground and holding his head while rocking back and forth. Masky had the urge to see if the other was alright, but decided against it once Plague had stood and turned around. Masky stood, frozen in his spot, when he saw Plague's mangled ribcage with organs seemingly ready to spill out. However, that wasn't what shocked him most. The large wing that was currently stretching off his left arm as Plague stumbled around the clearing was what did. The other masked male hadn't seemed to notice Masky yet as he took a few steps back before sprinting to the lab. He had to get Smiley.

"He's what?" The doctor questioned as he tossed the book he was reading down on his desk and followed Masky outside quickly. "Something's wrong." Was all he could say as he stopped at the clearing's edge. When Masky's eyes went back to the wing, it was different. Several arms branched off of it. A large talon-like hand was at the top that clawed at the air. Masky hadn't noticed the bodies that lay around the dark space until Smiley pointed them out. "He's been gorging himself." He stated while observing Plague. He continued to stumble around while his right hand dug at the wing. "What's eating have to do with this?" Masky questioned the doctor with an expression of extreme concern. Smiley stayed silent while watching the scene before him. Masky felt anger build up at being ignored and was about to snap back if not for the sudden cracking and snapping noises. His eyes went back to Plague to see the wing bending in directions it shouldn't, snapping bones in the process. It began to change into a mass of arms, black feathers, and flesh. The arms reached out and grabbed at the air as they were pulled inward along with everything else. Plague's arm slowly returned to normal before he collapsed. Smiley rushed over and picked him up, Masky helping carry him to the lab.

Just what the hell had they witnessed?

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