Chapter Thirteen: Love Doctor

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Smiley sat at his desk with his eyes locked on Plague. The other held his stare as they sat in complete silence. Their little staring contest was interrupted when the door to the room was opened with a loud screech. In walked Jeff and Masky. The two came to a stop when they saw the doctor and bird-boy. "Uh...have you seen E.J.?" Masky questioned and Smiley shook his head. "No, he hasn't stopped by today." He said plainly. Plague stood and made his way towards the back of the room where Smiley kept the freezers and such. Jeff watched him from his spot next to Masky while he and Smiley talked. He saw Plague take out a medium sized box and move back to the table after closing the freezer door. He sat the box down and started to open it. Jeff moved to join Plague and the masked male only glanced up to the killer before undoing to cardboard flaps. Inside were two severed arms and Jeff rose a brow at the other. Plague ignored him and reached around the back of his head. It took Jeff a moment to realize that he was taking off his mask. "'re gonna eat those?" He questioned while pointing to the limbs in the box. Masky and Smiley looked over to see what Jeff was talking about. "Should he be doing that?" Masky asked the doctor, his voice obviously showing worry and concern. "It's fine. That's not what's causing it." Smiley stated, referring to Plague's mutations. They were brought from their conversation by the sound of something hitting the metal surface to the operating table. When they looked back at Plague he had his mask off and was digging at the flesh of one of the arms he'd picked up. Masky saw Smiley narrow his eyes in Plague's direction. "Something's different." He mumbled and walked over to the table. The proxy followed in confusion. He and Jeff watched him grasp Plague's face and turn him. The other didn't look too pleased by the doctor's actions and glared. Smiley's brows furrowed once he'd found what was different about the other. Dark veins decorated Plaque's skin around his eyes and all over his neck. He shook himself from the doctor's grasp for a second to grab the arm he recently held and took a quick bite before Smiley was staring at him again. While Plague was chewing what he'd bitten off was when Smiley noticed something else. "Open your mouth." He stated and Plague gave him another glare. Masky and Jeff watched Plague move away from him and walk away. Smiley followed and eventually cornered him. "Um..we're gonna go look for E.J., see you later doc." Jeff said awkwardly and turned to leave with Masky by his side. The door let out a shriek as it closed.

Smiley continued to demand Plague to open his mouth, but the other would keep taking bites off of the arm as an excuse to keep it closed. Finally, he lost his patience and yanked the limb away from Plague. He glared and sent Smiley a look that pretty much said fuck off. "Open. Your. Mouth." Smiley stated, sounding like an angry mother speaking to a child. Plague simply crossed his arms and leaned against the wall behind him while continuing to glare. "Fine." Smiley said and walked to his desk. Plague rose a brow in confusion at the other's sudden change in attitude. He watched Smiley with caution and concern while moving back to the table and grabbing the uneaten arm. As he was about to bite into it, he was quickly spun around. Before he knew it, Smiley was holding his mouth open and staring into it. "Your teeth are sharper." He mumbled and Plague snapped out of his daze and bit down on Smiley's hand. The doctor yelped in surprise and jerked away. Plague's teeth had cut through his gloves and he could see his fingers bleeding through them. He looked back up at the other to see him staring back with wide eyes.

It almost looked as if he were...scared.

Smiley took the gloves off and threw them onto a small trashcan by his desk. He opened one of the drawers and dug through it. After getting what he needed he closed the drawer and began to bandage up his hand. Once he'd finished he sighed and looked up to see Plague still standing in his spot, staring at Smiley with the same look. He stopped staring and moved over to the table to get his mask. As he was adjusting the strap one it he heard Smiley get up. He didn't turn and look but he knew the doctor was behind him. He lifted the mask and went to put it back on, and once again he was spun around. Plague's eyes widened when he realized he was being kissed. Smiley pulled back after a couple seconds and let him go while meeting his eyes. Plague looked down and turned to get his mask. He quickly put it on and glanced back to the doctor before moving to the door. It opened and Plague left, but not before hearing Smiley say something that caught his attention.

"That wasn't because I felt like it, Mordecai."

Plague (Discontinued)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang