Chapter Six: The Differences

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A heavy silence hung in the air as Smiley and the others followed a seemingly different Mordecai back to the mansion. They knew he'd seen them trailing behind, but didn't look like he cared. He opened the doors to the mansion and walked in, ignoring everyone and heading upstairs to Slenderman's office.

A loud bang followed by curses sounded throughout the living room. "You cheated!" "Did not. You just suck a video games, Jeff." A blonde teen stated arrogantly as he rolled his red eyes. "No I fuckin' don't!" The man yelled and threw his controller across the room then got up, storming out of the mansion for the second time today. The blonde shrugged and got up to get something to eat, but nearly shrieked once he saw Slenderman standing behind the couch, seemingly waiting for him. When the creature walked back upstairs, he followed.

"Share?! Are you kidding?" The teen questioned Slenderman as he looked over at Mordecai, who was sitting in the corner of the room with his eyes focused on the two. "Every other person here has their own room, why can't he? Are you suddenly out of rooms in this big ass house of yours?" He continued and the pale creature before him simply stayed quiet. Before the blonde could say anything else about how unfair his situation was, Masky entered. "Sorry it took so long to get here, Smile took Hoodie's shoe and we had to chase him down. What'd you need?" He asked and Slenderman glanced at the shorter teen at Masky's side before nodding. Masky pushed him towards Mordecai before speaking. "Mordecai, this is Ben Downed. Ben, Mordecai. He wants you to share a room because he doesn't trust anyone else here around Mordecai. Hoodie, Toby, and I can't help him out either since we're always taking care of other things." He stated and Ben huffed then pointed at Mordecai. "I swear if you fuck up any of my shit." He said and stomped out. Slenderman stood and gave a small wave to them before disappearing. Masky turned to Mordecai with a sigh. "I'm sorry, Ben can be so childish. I'll show were your room is." He said and guided the other down the hall. They stopped outside another black door and Masky opened it. Mordecai stood in the doorway while the brunette walked in, stepping over empty chip bags and game cases on the floor. "It'll be cleaned up and you'll have a your half by tonight." He explained as Mordecai stepped in. The urge to ask the other masked male about what had happened him Smiley's operating room ate at Masky as he watched the other eye the room. "So, um..." He began and Mordecai turned to face him. "What happened to you?" He finished and the raven haired male only blinked at him. It was obvious Mordecai was different now. Before, he'd been noticeably nervous and jumpy, at least looking at others when they spoke to him and given some kind if expression behind his mask. This Mordecai was almost blank emotionally. He showed no other expression besides disinterest and he ignored everyone the moment he'd come back from Smiley's. The fact he was paying attention to Masky was had to believe. He'd changed into a completely different person all at once in that one moment just hours ago, and Masky could see it. But even when he first arrived, he never spoke to anyone at the mansion. That didn't change. Smiley had told them a couple things after Mordecai's little event. Something the doctor had done during the operation had altered Mordecai's personality...something that created a new one. As he looked into Mordecai's piercing eyes, he knew the other before him was someone different.

This was Plague.

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