Chapter Twelve: Competition

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The sound of yelling from the living room woke Jeff. He jumped out of his bed and stomped down the hall from his room. In the living room was Lucianna screaming at Plague, who stayed silent. Jeff stood at the bottom of the stairs and listened, suddenly curious. "I don't know what your deal is with him, and I don't give a damn! He's mine and he's going to say yes! I don't want to see you around him!" Lucianna finished and crossed her arms. Plague just stood there, unmoving as he looked down at the angel through his mask. "Do you understand me?!" She shrieked out and Jeff flinched from the sudden ear rape. He watched her growl at Plague in frustration before leaving. Jeff rose a brow in confusion, wondering who she had been talking about. He shrugged and headed into the living room where Plague still stood. He didn't move as Jeff walked around him and sat down on the large couch in front of the TV. It took the killer a few minutes to realize Plague was looking at him. " gonna sit down?" He questioned as he motioned to the seat at his side. Plague took a seat and continued to look at Jeff. "What?" He asked, glaring at the other. The masked male said nothing, but pulled his hood down to show his short and messy black hair. Jeff rolled his eyes, turning back to the TV to watch the news. He could see Plague turn towards the screen out of the corner of his eye as murder headlines came on. Jeff looked at the TV with wide eyes when pictures of victims were shown, obviously not his by the cause of death. Plague stood abruptly and walked towards the kitchen, leaving Jeff to stare at the screen in shock at the state of his murder victims.

E.J. sat at the kitchen table munching on kidneys while Plague joined him. "Hmm, you finally woke up." He said and Plague only nodded. "You feeling alright?" E.J. asked and earned another nod in response. He continued to eat while Plague stayed quiet. A few minutes passed until Masky entered the kitchen in search of some cheesecake for breakfast. He sat down next to Plague with his food and ran a hand through his messy hair. "Smiley let you go?" He asked and Plague nodded. They were silent after that as E.J. and Masky ate.

Ben got up and shuffled downstairs. Halfway to the kitchen, he was met by a certain angel. "Hi, Ben." She smiled sweetly and he internally groaned. He hadn't made up his mind yet and he didn't really want to think about it.
"Hello." He said and made his way around her. Lucianna followed behind him on his way to the kitchen. Ben yawned and when he opened his eyes he saw E.J., Masky, and Plague at the table. Plague stood and moved to walk out the doorway. Lucianna smirked to herself, but it didn't last long as Ben stepped in front of the taller male. Plague stopped and looked down at the blonde then to Lucianna. "Ben, what are you doing?" Masky asked with a tilt of his head. Ben finally looked at Plague and thought. What was he doing? "Um...sorry." He mumbled and moved to let the other go. Plague walked out the front doors and Ben watched him go before fully entering the kitchen. Lucianna sighed and sat down next to E.J. while Ben grabbed something to eat. "What's with you?" She questioned Masky when she saw him looking over at Ben. "Hm? Nothing." He said plainly and resumed stuffing his face. E.J. stood and left the kitchen. "Where are you going?" Masky asked and watched E.J. shrug. "I've got some stuff to do." He stated and left. Ben sat down next to the brunette and started eating. Lucianna slightly glared at him for not sitting next to her. "When did he get back?" He asked and Masky swallowed his cheesecake. "I'm guessing last night. He was here when I got up." He said and Ben nodded "I'm going to find Jane. Let me know when you have an answer." Lucianna said with a smile to Ben and went on her way. After she was gone he groaned. "What's all that about?" Masky asked and received another groan. "She said she loved me and wants me to go out with her. I told her I would think about it, but I can't think of what I want to say." Ben sighed and the masked male next to him thought. "Do you like her?" He asked and the blonde ran a hand through his hair. "Yes, kinda, I don't know." He let out another groan. "Well, is there someone else you like?" Masky continued and watched Ben think. "I don't know if I'd call it love, but maybe." He said and Masky nodded. "It's Plague, isn't it?" He said suddenly and Ben looked at him with a red face. Masky knew the answer at that moment and felt a little angry, but let it go. "Don't tell anyone, please." Ben pleaded and Masky nodded. "I won't, but what brought you to like him? When you first met him and heard you guys would have to share a room, you seemed pretty pissed at him." The brunette said and Ben thought back to the first night he and Plague had to share his room and what he did. "I...might have taken his mask off." He said and Masky looked at him. "You took his mask off? What's he look like?" He began to question. "He's...cute." Ben mumbled and saw Masky thinking. "Was that all that made you like him?" He questioned and Ben instantly turned crimson. "He woke up when I got his mask off and..." He trailed off. "He what?" Masky asked as he waited for the other to go on. "Nothing." He stated and got up. Masky was about to say something else until a scream from outside stopped him.

He and Ben ran out to the front yard where the scream came from to see Jane and Lucianna backing away from the treeline. "What's going on?" Jeff yelled as soon as he stepped outside, obviously pissed. Jane and Lucianna ran towards the front door right as Plague emerged from the trees, covered in dirt and dead leaves. "What did you do?" Masky questioned the two. "Nothing!" They shouted and Ben looked at Plague, who was now dusting himself off. "Yes you did." A voice said from behind them. They all looked in the doorway to see Smiley leaning against the frame. "Fine! We attacked him." Jane snarled and turned to see the raven haired male staring at her and Lucianna. He twitched and Smiley rushed out to him. They all stood by the door watching the doctor attempt talking to Plague. Lucianna looked at Ben to see him glaring at her. "I didn't think-" She started, but he held up a hand and she stopped. "Why did you attack him?" Ben questioned angrily and she lowered her head, staying quiet. "Why?!" He yelled and everyone was looking at them now. "Because I saw him kiss you!" Lucianna yelled and Ben froze. "Why did he kiss you?!" She screamed.

"Because I felt like it."

A dark voice said from behind them and they turned to see Plague. Everyone stared at him in surprise as he turned away and walked down the gravel path to Smiley's lab, the doctor following. Jeff laughed, now understanding why she'd yelled at Plague earlier.

"Scared of a little competition, Lucianna?"

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