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You know when you get jealous; you can hardly contain your anger on the person you're jealous at? When you stomp around the room, your face barely moving, and people can tell you're hurt, you're betrayed, you're angry, and you are most definitely jealous. That's how I felt today. Because guess who I saw in the school parking lot? Micah and a girl named Alicia who goes to another middle school. I was so angry, I couldn't even contain myself! And when I finally confronted him about it, he laughed in my face and said that was his cousin! How could I be so stupid? Now Micah's angry at me, and I have no idea what to do. How did I get myself into this mess? Currently I'm hiding in my closet, trying to forget.

Alex shivered in the cold of the night. She wrapped her robe tighter around her. The one thing she did like about the night air was that she could see the stars in the sky, resting there proudly. They looked beautiful, and Alex could barely make out a shape of a constellation. In those 10 minutes it took her to get down towards the pool, the sky had lost its color and was now pitch black; the only light was the stars in the sky.

Alex ran through the thoughts in her mind. Why was she doing this? She wants to tell herself that she can swim, and not get hurt! Why was she being so stupid? She didn't know. That wasn't the best answer, but Alex figured it was better than any.

Once she got down to the pool, Alex dipped her purple painted toe-nails into the water. It was quite chilly, but not as cold as Alex had expected. Alex sighed and sat down on the edge of the pool, letting her legs rest in the water, them getting used to it.

"Hmm," Alex thought for a little while. How was she going to do this? She took off her robe and rolled up the sleeves of her matching pajamas.

Alex frowned for a second at the pool. Would it be cold if she just dove in? Should she go carefully so-a strong gust of wind came in her direction and Alex was swept into the pool, making a big flash as she was at it.

A light flickered on in the lifeguard's booth.

"Who's there?" yelled a voice from the window. "Show yourself right now!"

Alex swam deeper under the water. She wasn't sure if it was Arthur, or if it was some creepy old man. She didn't want to be found, that was for sure.

"SHOW YOURSELF RIGHT NOW OR I'LL CALL THE POLICE!" the voice shouted even loudly, and Alex could just about make out the sounds of footsteps coming towards the pool.

Alex jerked herself upwards and swam towards the shore. She didn't want to be found by the police which would be...just very embarrassing.

A familiar face popped over the side of the pool when Alex arose from the water. Arthur. "Alex?! What are you doing here? Did you see the guy who was swimming in the pool?"

Alex frowned. Did he not think it was her? She tried to hide her grin. "No, I didn't see him. I was just coming to fetch my..." she scanned around the perimeter of the pool, where people had set up chairs and booths, and found a towel. "Towel," she added. "He pushed me into the pool before I could see his face, though,"

Arthur tried to hide his laugh, and quickly helped Alex out of the pool. "Are you okay?" he asked. "Are you hurt, do I need to call an ambulance again?"

Alex laughed. "No, you don't need to call an ambulance." She said. "I'm perfectly fine."

Arthur smiled. He walked over to the chair where the towel was lying and threw it across the pool, which landed on Alex's head. "Here you go!"

Alex scowled, trying to hide her laugh. "Thanks a lot!" she shouted.

Arthur grinned, catching onto her act. "You're welcome!"

Alex rolled her eyes, clutched the towel tightly around her body, grabbed her robe, and walked off.

A/N Hi everyone! Sorry we haven't updated in a week! It's been a pretty stressful month of June, believe me. And sorry this is sorta a short chapter, it was a little bit of a filler. I think we're all back from vacation, but if Grant or Flora can't update then sorry about that! Anyways, I hoped you liked the chapter! P.S. WORLDS COLLIDE COMES OUT IN A MONTH!!!!!

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