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My life is a complete mess. I literally have no one to talk to. Well, maybe Grandma, but she doesn't count! I mean, I don't have Micah, and I have minimal friends. Conner and Mom don't talk to me anymore. I feel very lonely. Needless to say, this absolutely sucks. It sucks, I tell you, sucks! Micah ignores me in the hall, and it's really awkward when we have Biology together. He was my lab partner, then he switched to a girl named, Stephanie, who's really pretty, by the way! I'm a little jealous, and I'm stuck with this weirdo who attends the Dungeons and Dragons Club. He says he's not a nerd but he totally is.

Alex woke up from a restless sleep. She felt like a zombie. She didn't sleep well. She kept having dreams-or more likely nightmares about, well, nevermind. She flipped the covers off of her body and went towards the mirror in her room. Alex blew a strand of strawberry blonde hair off of her face, but it didn't do much good. Alex, then remembering something, suddenly squealed and jumped up and down in the air. She was going on her date with Arthur today! Well, technically it's not a date, Alex thought to herself, but still. 

Alex quickly opened the miniature door by one of her bookshelves and climbed inside. She had too many bookshelves, she thought. She had no room for her bathroom and closet! But she loves them. Anywho, Alex rummaged around her closet for her pink blouse. She quickly found it and stripped her clothes down and put on her shirt. She glanced at herself in the mirror, and immediately scowled. No! She looked terrible. 

"Oh no!" Alex cried, her eyes widening. "What if I'm going to be underdressed? What if Arthur is wearing a tux, or something fancy?" she groaned and ran her fingers through her hair. "What am I going to do?" 

She plopped herself onto the floor and screamed so loudly that she didn't hear Bree enter her bedroom. Alex lied back on the ground and pouted. 

"Alex? Where are you?" Bree asked. Her voice sounded a thousand miles apart. 

"I'm in here," Alex whispered. She didn't have the strength to say it much louder. 

Bree didn't hear her. "Alex! Don't make me get Conner in here! And you know how scary he can be when you wake him up early!" Bree threatened. 

Alex giggled. "I'm in here!" she shouted through the door, and immediately Bree opened the mini door and entered the closet. 

"Wow," she mumbled, glancing around the room. "What's wrong with you?" she chuckled. 

Alex glared at her friend. "This is not a laughing matter!" she said. "I have a crisis!" 

Bree giggled and sat down beside Alex. "And what's your crisis, my dear?" she asked in a thick French accent. 

Alex rolled her eyes. "Please stop." she said. "Anyways, what if this shirt isn't fancy enough?" she asked. 

"What do you mean?" Bree queried, taking the pink blouse from Alex's hand. "This looks fine. You can pair it with some black leggings, and maybe some high-heeled boots." Bree nodded. "That would look cute on you!" 

Alex shook her head. "No, no it won't!" she exploded. 

Bree jumped. "Okay, whatever. I'll help you pick something else." Bree's eyes lit up. "Ooh! Makeover!" 

Alex rolled her eyes, but smiled. "Thanks." 


Alex felt her dress as she looked into the mirror, trying to make sense of what Bree had put her through. She looked like a diva pig, and that wasn't a good thing. Her hair was curled almost over the top, and loose strands hung out of her bun. Her dress was white and long-and poofy, which made her look like a princess getting married. The dress stopped right at the feet, which meant that Alex had to get decent shoes. But Bree had picked out hot pink, that really didn't go well with Alex's shade. Her lipstick and been quickly applied, and Alex could taste it in her mouth. Chalkedy chalk. 

Bree grinned and did jazz hands. "Awesome!" she cheered. "Arthur will love this on you!" 

Alex bit her lip. She didn't want to cry. She could just feel the kids at home yelling 'crybaby' over and over at her in the hallways. But she couldn't help it! She wanted this to be perfect, and she looked like a complete fool. She began to tear up, and soon, waterfalls were streaming down her face. 

"Oh no!" Bree cried. "No, I-I didn't mean to make you cry! It was supposed to be a joke!" she wrapped Alex in a hug. "I'm sorry, okay? I'll fix you up all perfect!" 

"No," Alex bawled. "There's no time. This took two hours. It's already 11:30. I need to go down soon." 

Bree sighed. "No, I can fix this. Let me." she went to touch at Alex's hair, but Alex shot her hand down. 

"No! Just don't, okay? You've done enough already. Get out." Alex pointed at the door. She didn't want to be mean, but this hurt. She thought Bree was going to make her into a beautiful princess, like she promised, but Bree just did this for a joke. 

Bree looked like she wanted to say something, but she nodded and slowly backed up towards the door. "I'll go," she said. "I'm sorry, though. I'm really sorry." she bent down and opened the door, slamming it behind her. 

Alex wiped her tears away and stared at her reflection in the mirror. She was going to be okay. She knew the perfect outfit. 


"You look nice," Arthur said, when Alex had met him at noon in the entryway of the hotel. "Really nice." 

Alex smiled. She picked out a pretty casual outfit, thanks to the inspiration from Bree. A navy blue blouse, with a few flowers at the ends. Black comfy leggings and some high-heeled boots. She wore a yellow sunhat and held sunglasses in her hand. Alex felt that this was an outfit she looked good in. And she was glad, that she hadn't gone with the dress. 

A/N Hi guys, it's me Amanda. I know it's Tuesday, but still. I haven't updated in this and I'm really really sorry. Again, I've just been sort of wacky this summer. I know that's not really an excuse, I know, and I just want to say my apologies again. I'll post another update on Thursday, I'm sure. 

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